This is an all-in-one Slurm installation. This container runs the following processes:
- slurmd (The compute node daemon for Slurm)
- slurmctld (The central management daemon of Slurm)
- slurmdbd (Slurm database daemon)
- munged (Authentication service for creating and validating credentials)
- mysql (Database for slurmdbd)
- supervisord (A process control system)
There are multiple tags available. To use the latest available image, run:
docker pull giovtorres/docker-centos6-slurm:latest
docker run -it -h ernie giovtorres/docker-centos6-slurm:latest
The above command will drop you into a bash shell inside the container. Supervisord is the process manager. To view the status of all the processes, run:
[root@ernie /]# supervisorctl status
munged RUNNING pid 23, uptime 0:02:35
mysqld RUNNING pid 24, uptime 0:02:35
slurmctld RUNNING pid 25, uptime 0:02:35
slurmd RUNNING pid 22, uptime 0:02:35
slurmdbd RUNNING pid 26, uptime 0:02:35
In slurm.conf
, the ControlMachine hostname is set to ernie. Since
this is an all-in-one installation, the hostname must match ControlMachine.
Therefore, you must pass the -h ernie
to docker at run time so that the
hostnames match.
You can run the usual slurm commands:
[root@ernie /]# sinfo
normal* up 5-00:00:00 5 idle c[1-5]
[root@ernie /]# scontrol show partition
AllowGroups=ALL AllowAccounts=ALL AllowQos=ALL
AllocNodes=ALL Default=YES QoS=N/A
DefaultTime=5-00:00:00 DisableRootJobs=NO ExclusiveUser=NO GraceTime=0 Hidden=NO
MaxNodes=1 MaxTime=5-00:00:00 MinNodes=1 LLN=NO MaxCPUsPerNode=UNLIMITED
PriorityJobFactor=50 PriorityTier=50 RootOnly=NO ReqResv=NO OverSubscribe=NO
OverTimeLimit=NONE PreemptMode=OFF
State=UP TotalCPUs=5 TotalNodes=5 SelectTypeParameters=NONE
DefMemPerCPU=500 MaxMemPerNode=UNLIMITED
There are multiple versions of Slurm available, each in its own subdirectory. To build a particular version, change into the directory and build the Dockerfile:
git clone /~
cd docker-centos6-slurm/16.05.9
docker build -t docker-centos6-slurm:16.05.9 .
I use this container to get access to the Slurm headers and libraries for PySlurm development.
Important Note: This image is used for testing and development. It is not suited for any production use.