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giovannipizzi committed Dec 22, 2017
1 parent d225fc9 commit 16e1792
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 81 deletions.
228 changes: 147 additions & 81 deletions seekpath/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from builtins import zip
from seekpath import (get_explicit_k_path as _raw_explicit_path, get_path as
from . import (get_explicit_k_path as _raw_explicit_path, get_path as

def _aiida_to_tuple(aiida_structure):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,11 @@ def _tuple_to_aiida(structure_tuple, kind_info=None, kinds=None):
return out_structure

def get_explicit_k_path(structure, parameters):
def get_explicit_k_path(structure,
Return the kpoint path for band structure (in scaled and absolute
coordinates), given a crystal structure,
Expand All @@ -158,64 +162,93 @@ def get_explicit_k_path(structure, parameters):
:param structure: The AiiDA StructureData for which we want to obtain
the suggested path.
:param parameters: A ParameterData. Its key-value pairs are passed as
additional kwargs to the ``seekpath.get_explicit_k_path`` function.
:return: A dictionary with four
- ``seekpath_parameters``: a ParameterData, whose content is
the same dictionary as returned by the ``seekpath.get_explicit_k_path`` function,
except that:
- ``conv_lattice``, ``conv_positions``, ``conv_types``
are removed and replaced by the ``conv_structure`` output node
- ``primitive_lattice``, ``primitive_positions``, ``primitive_types``
are removed and replaced by the `primitive_structure` output node
- ``reciprocal_primitive_lattice``, ``explicit_kpoints_abs``,
``explicit_kpoints_rel`` and ``explicit_kpoints_labels`` are removed
and replaced by the ``explicit_kpoints`` output node
- ``primitive_structure``: A StructureData with the primitive structure
- ``conv_structure``: A StructureData with the primitive structure
- ``explicit_kpoints``: a KpointsData with the (explicit) kpoints
(with labels set).
:param with_time_reversal: if False, and the group has no inversion
symmetry, additional lines are returned.
:param reference_distance: a reference target distance between neighboring
k-points in the path, in units of 1/ang. The actual value will be as
close as possible to this value, to have an integer number of points in
each path.
:param recipe: choose the reference publication that defines the special
points and paths.
Currently, the following value is implemented:
'hpkot': HPKOT paper:
Y. Hinuma, G. Pizzi, Y. Kumagai, F. Oba, I. Tanaka, Band structure
diagram paths based on crystallography, Comp. Mat. Sci. 128, 140 (2017).
DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.10.015
:param threshold: the threshold to use to verify if we are in
and edge case (e.g., a tetragonal cell, but a==c). For instance,
in the tI lattice, if abs(a-c) < threshold, a EdgeCaseWarning is issued.
Note that depending on the bravais lattice, the meaning of the
threshold is different (angle, length, ...)
:return: a dictionary with the following
- has_inversion_symmetry: True or False, depending on whether the
input crystal structure has inversion symmetry or not.
- augmented_path: if True, it means that the path was
augmented with the -k points (this happens if both
has_inversion_symmetry is False, and the user set
with_time_reversal=False in the input)
- primitive_structure: the StructureData for the primitive cell
- reciprocal_primitive_lattice: reciprocal-cell vectors for the
primitive cell (vectors are rows: reciprocal_primitive_lattice[0,:]
is the first vector)
- volume_original_wrt_prim: volume ratio of the user-provided cell
with respect to the the crystallographic primitive cell
- explicit_kpoints: An AiiDA KPointsData object (without weights)
with the kpoints and the respective labels.
For each segment, the two endpoints are always included,
independently of the length.
- explicit_kpoints_linearcoord: array of floats, giving the
coordinate at which to plot the corresponding point.
- segments: a list of length-2 tuples, with the start and end index
of each segment. **Note**! The indices are supposed to be used as
follows: the labels for the i-th segment are given by::
segment_indices = segments[i]
segment_points = explicit_kpoints.get_kpoints[slice(*segment_indices)]
This means, in particular, that if you want the label of the start
and end points, you should do::
start_point = explicit_kpoints.get_kpoints[segment_indices[0]]
stop_point = explicit_kpoints.get_kpoints[segment_indices[1]-1]
(note the minus one!)
Also, note that if segments[i-1][1] == segments[i][0] + 1 it means
that the point was calculated only once, and it belongs to both
paths. Instead, if segments[i-1][1] == segments[i][0], then
this is a 'break' point in the path (e.g., segments[i-1][1] is the
X point, and segments[i][0] is the R point, and typically in a
graphical representation they are shown at the same coordinate,
with a label "R|X").
import copy
from aiida.orm import DataFactory

KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')
ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')

struc_tuple, kind_info, kinds = _aiida_to_tuple(structure)

retdict = {}
rawdict = _raw_explicit_path(structure=struc_tuple, **parameters.get_dict())
retdict = _raw_explicit_path(struc_tuple)

# Replace primitive structure with AiiDA StructureData
primitive_lattice = rawdict.pop('primitive_lattice')
primitive_positions = rawdict.pop('primitive_positions')
primitive_types = rawdict.pop('primitive_types')
primitive_lattice = retdict.pop('primitive_lattice')
primitive_positions = retdict.pop('primitive_positions')
primitive_types = retdict.pop('primitive_types')
primitive_tuple = (primitive_lattice, primitive_positions, primitive_types)
primitive_structure = _tuple_to_aiida(primitive_tuple, kind_info, kinds)
retdict['primitive_structure'] = primitive_structure

# Replace conv structure with AiiDA StructureData
conv_lattice = rawdict.pop('conv_lattice')
conv_positions = rawdict.pop('conv_positions')
conv_types = rawdict.pop('conv_types')
conv_tuple = (conv_lattice, conv_positions, conv_types)
conv_structure = _tuple_to_aiida(conv_tuple, kind_info, kinds)
retdict['conv_structure'] = conv_structure

# Remove reciprocal_primitive_lattice, recalculated by kpoints class
kpoints_abs = rawdict.pop('explicit_kpoints_abs')
kpoints_rel = rawdict.pop('explicit_kpoints_rel')
kpoints_labels = rawdict.pop('explicit_kpoints_labels')
KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')
kpoints_abs = retdict.pop('explicit_kpoints_abs')
kpoints_rel = retdict.pop('explicit_kpoints_rel')
kpoints_labels = retdict.pop('explicit_kpoints_labels')
# Expects something of the type [[0,'X'],[34,'L'],...]
# So I generate it, skipping empty labels
labels = [[idx, label] for idx, label in enumerate(kpoints_labels) if label]
Expand All @@ -224,12 +257,15 @@ def get_explicit_k_path(structure, parameters):
kpoints.set_kpoints(kpoints_abs, cartesian=True, labels=labels)
retdict['explicit_kpoints'] = kpoints
retdict['seekpath_parameters'] = ParameterData(dict=rawdict)

return retdict

def get_path(structure, parameters):
def get_path(structure,
Return the kpoint path information for band structure given a
crystal structure, using the paths from the chosen recipe/reference.
Expand All @@ -239,56 +275,86 @@ def get_path(structure, parameters):
If you use this module, please cite the paper of the corresponding
recipe (see documentation of seekpath).
recipe (see parameter below).
:param structure: The crystal structure for which we want to obtain
the suggested path. It should be an AiiDA StructureData object.
:param parameters: A ParameterData. Its key-value pairs are passed as
additional kwargs to the ``seekpath.get_path`` function.
:return: A dictionary with three
- ``seekpath_parameters``: a ParameterData, whose content is
the same dictionary as returned by the ``seekpath.get_path`` function,
except that:
- ``conv_lattice``, ``conv_positions``, ``conv_types``
are removed and replaced by the ``conv_structure`` output node
- ``primitive_lattice``, ``primitive_positions``, ``primitive_types``
are removed and replaced by the ``primitive_structure`` output node
- ``primitive_structure``: A StructureData with the primitive structure
- ``conv_structure``: A StructureData with the primitive structure
:param with_time_reversal: if False, and the group has no inversion
symmetry, additional lines are returned as described in the HPKOT
:param recipe: choose the reference publication that defines the special
points and paths.
Currently, the following value is implemented:
'hpkot': HPKOT paper:
Y. Hinuma, G. Pizzi, Y. Kumagai, F. Oba, I. Tanaka, Band structure
diagram paths based on crystallography, Comp. Mat. Sci. 128, 140 (2017).
DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.10.015
:param threshold: the threshold to use to verify if we are in
and edge case (e.g., a tetragonal cell, but a==c). For instance,
in the tI lattice, if abs(a-c) < threshold, a EdgeCaseWarning is issued.
Note that depending on the bravais lattice, the meaning of the
threshold is different (angle, length, ...)
:return: a dictionary with the following
- point_coords: a dictionary with label -> float coordinates
- path: a list of length-2 tuples, with the labels of the starting
and ending point of each label section
- has_inversion_symmetry: True or False, depending on whether the
input crystal structure has inversion symmetry or not.
- augmented_path: if True, it means that the path was
augmented with the -k points (this happens if both
has_inversion_symmetry is False, and the user set
with_time_reversal=False in the input)
- bravais_lattice: the Bravais lattice string (like 'cP', 'tI', ...)
- bravais_lattice_extended: the specific case used to define labels and
coordinates (like 'cP1', 'tI2', ...)
- conv_structure: AiiDA StructureData for the crystallographic conventional
- primitive_structure: AiiDA StructureData for the crystallographic primitive
- reciprocal_primitive_lattice: reciprocal-cell vectors for the
primitive cell (vectors are rows: reciprocal_primitive_lattice[0,:]
is the first vector)
- primitive_transformation_matrix: the transformation matrix P between
the conventional and the primitive cell
- inverse_primitive_transformation_matrix: the inverse of the matrix P
(the determinant is integer and gives the ratio in volume between
the conventional and primitive cells)
- volume_original_wrt_conv: volume ratio of the user-provided cell
with respect to the the crystallographic conventional cell
- volume_original_wrt_prim: volume ratio of the user-provided cell
with respect to the the crystallographic primitive cell
:note: An EdgeCaseWarning is issued for edge cases (e.g. if a==b==c for
orthorhombic systems). In this case, still one of the valid cases
is picked.
import copy
from aiida.orm import DataFactory

ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')

struc_tuple, kind_info, kinds = _aiida_to_tuple(structure)

retdict = {}
rawdict = _raw_get_path(structure=struc_tuple, **parameters.get_dict())
retdict = _raw_get_path(struc_tuple)

# Replace conv structure with AiiDA StructureData
conv_lattice = rawdict.pop('conv_lattice')
conv_positions = rawdict.pop('conv_positions')
conv_types = rawdict.pop('conv_types')
conv_lattice = retdict.pop('conv_lattice')
conv_positions = retdict.pop('conv_positions')
conv_types = retdict.pop('conv_types')
conv_tuple = (conv_lattice, conv_positions, conv_types)
conv_structure = _tuple_to_aiida(conv_tuple, kind_info, kinds)
retdict['conv_structure'] = conv_structure

# Replace primitive structure with AiiDA StructureData
primitive_lattice = rawdict.pop('primitive_lattice')
primitive_positions = rawdict.pop('primitive_positions')
primitive_types = rawdict.pop('primitive_types')
primitive_lattice = retdict.pop('primitive_lattice')
primitive_positions = retdict.pop('primitive_positions')
primitive_types = retdict.pop('primitive_types')
primitive_tuple = (primitive_lattice, primitive_positions, primitive_types)
primitive_structure = _tuple_to_aiida(primitive_tuple, kind_info, kinds)
retdict['primitive_structure'] = primitive_structure

retdict['seekpath_parameters'] = ParameterData(dict=rawdict)

return retdict

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