Hi, this is all about Django , a web Framework! This time I'm studying through stein's channel, and his first tutorial 'is just awesome!
You can also watch the video on youtube:
You're more then welcome to visit my Web Pages:
Jungletronics (Arduino, RPi, PIC, Eagle, Blender, Unity3D, Pixy, and more) KidsTronics (MIT App Inventor, LEGO, Arduino For Kids, and more)
Here we love learning by doing!
A simple web application that allows you to uunderstand and overwrite login functionality and forgot my password in django, and more.
- Installation on vscode
- cloning rspass - Mini-Login-Logout-forgotPassword-app
- Features of v.1.0 : vscode complete working code, Admin Dashboard, and more...
- ✨Magic ✨ Happens ✨!
rscode_v1 requires vscode IDE v1.75.1 to run.
Clone Git Tag by using the following syntax to clone a v3.0 tag:
git clone -b [tag_name] [repository_url]
git clone -b v1.0 /~https://github.com/giljr/rspass.git
The command clones tag v1.0 from the specified repository URL.
For development environments...
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./manage.py migrate --run-syncdb
python ./manage.py createsuperuser
python ./manage.py runserver
You can now browse to the following link to start exploring the sample.
Also supports the Django admin which is available. Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.
We recommend and support the usage of virtualenv. All you need to do is create a new virtualenv (if necessary):
python -m venv ENV
And then just activate it:
source ENV/bin/activate
Import all the dependencies:
run pip freeze > requirements
Now you can go ahead with the instructions above.
We use https://dbeaver.io/, a Free Universal Database Tool!
Check it out!
@author: Gilberto Jr @site: jungletronics @url: https://medium.com/jungletronics @date: feb, 2023
Free Software, 2023 Jungletronics!