Golang CLI tool for Gibson framework: package manager, project manager, godot cli parser, class resolver, etc...
If you have go already installed on your machine:
go install /~https://github.com/gibsongd/gibson-cli
and gibson will be ready to serve you!
Download binaries at your choice from the latest release. Unzip gibson binaries wherever you want and
- on linux, move
binaries to/usr/bin
- on windows, add
folder to%PATH%
environment variable
Gibson package manager lets you install addons in your Godot projects.
Gibson handles assets in a very similar (yet liter) way to npm
Addons are installed only from one trusted source, which is the official AssetLib using their public APIs.
Once installed, addons will be cached in your $HOME/.cache
(unix) or %LocalAppData%
(windows) folder, so all your Godot projects will be able to share addons just executing one command!
search for an addon
> gibson pm search time
> gibson pm search "time"
[id] [user] [title]
1275 Blaron Timer Counter
1157 Aendryr Date Time Addon
1134 GianptDev EditorTimer
1127 RipeX Simple Project Timer
236 thomazthz Godot Wakatime
721 VolodyaKEK Single File Runtime Console
702 Eminnet EminMultiMesh
662 pycbouh Time Tracker
342 Cevantime Water2D Node
install an addon by author/title
> gibson package_manager install "fenix/Godot Engine JWT"
> gibson pm i "fenix/Godot Engine JWT"
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` found!
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` info retrieved!
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` downloaded!
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` installed successfully!
install an addon by id
> gibson pm i 1104
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` info retrieved!
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` downloaded!
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` installed successfully!
When an addon is installed, it will create a gibson.json
in the current folder.
It is used by gibson in order to handle addons.
If an addon is already cached, it will just be unpacked in the current project.
install an addon by author/title
> gibson pm i "fenix/Godot Engine JWT"
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` found in cache
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` installed successfully!
Want to force install?
> gibson pm i "fenix/Godot Engine JWT" --force || -f
uninstall an addon
> gibson pm uninstall "fenix/Godot Engine JWT"
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` removed
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` uninstalled
*uninstall an addon and clear all the cached versions *
> gibson pm uninstall "fenix/Godot Engine JWT" --clear || -c
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` cache cleared
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` removed
[gibson-cli] ✓ `fenix/Godot Engine JWT` uninstalled
install all the addons listed in the gibson.json
> gibson pm i
This is useful if you want to share your project and leave it addons-independent or want to make a lighter project.
list all addons currently installed (using gibson)
> gibson pm list
├─ dialogue_editor/ 1200 (VP-GAMES/Dialogue Editor (G4))
├─ draw3d/ 1301 (nyxkn/Draw3D)
├─ jwt/ 1104 (fenix/Godot Engine JWT)
├─ stream_comment/ 1300 (velop/Stream Comment)
└─ telegram-bot-api/ 1072 (fenix/Telegram Bot API)