Getty is a framework for building robust, optimal, and reusable (de)serializers in Zig.
- Compile-time (de)serialization.
- Out-of-the-box support for a variety of
types. - Granular customization for existing and remote types.
- Data models that serve as simple and generic baselines for (de)serializers.
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const opts = .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize };
const json_mod = b.dependency("json", opts).module("json");
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "quick-start",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.addModule("json", json_mod);
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
.name = "quick-start",
.version = "0.1.0",
.paths = .{""},
.dependencies = .{
.json = .{
.url = "/~",
.hash = "122017ccb426b5f5690fdda438134852e940796b0ac619eb2648782a7879146f4fcd",
const std = @import("std");
const json = @import("json");
const ally = std.heap.page_allocator;
const Point = struct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
pub fn main() !void {
const value = Point{ .x = 1, .y = 2 };
// Serialize a Point value into JSON.
const serialized = try json.toSlice(ally, value);
// Deserialize JSON data into a Point value.
const deserialized = try json.fromSlice(ally, Point, serialized);
// Print results.
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{serialized}); // {"x":1,"y":2}
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{deserialized}); // main.Point{ .x = 1, .y = 2 }
Declare Getty as a project dependency with
zig fetch
:zig fetch --save git+/~<COMMIT>
Expose Getty as a module in your project's
:pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const opts = .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize }; // 👈 const getty_mod = b.dependency("getty", opts).module("getty"); // 👈 const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = "my-project", .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" }, .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); exe.root_module.addImport("getty", getty_mod); // 👈 // ... }
Import Getty into your code:
const getty = @import("getty");