The Little CloudStack Books, a set of books for Apache CloudStack users and developers. "A Clients and Wrappers" book that covers some of the main tools to use with a cloud. "A developer" book to work with the source, the simulator and the sandbox "An installation" book written for end users and focusing on packages
These books are aimed at being step by step recipes, they were written as I went through every tool and installation process.
The books were written by Sebastien Goasguen
For OS X, BasicTeX is recommended.
Once BasicTeX is installed, the tlmgr and xelatex commands are located at /usr/local/texlive/2013basic/bin/x86_64-darwin/. Add this to your PATH so the tlmgr and xelatex commands work for the make commands.
You'll also need PanDoc installed.
On OS X after installing BasicTeX you might need the Consolas font. Grabbed it from here double clicking on the fonts file will install it automatically.
Then a few missing .sty files might need to be installed:
$ sudo tlmgr update --all
$ sudo tlmgr install sectsty
$ sudo tlmgr install paralist
$ sudo tlmgr install preprint
$ make clients-pdf
$ make installation-pdf
$ make clients-epub
$ make installation-epub
To remove any generated .pdf or .epub files:
$ make clean
All generated files will be in the en directory.
The book is freely distributed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license.
"Apache", "CloudStack", "Apache CloudStack", the Apache CloudStack logo, the Apache CloudStack Cloud Monkey logo and the Apache feather logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
The format of this book was inspired by The Little MongoDB Book by Karl Seguin @karlseguin
His book is available on github at