A collection of metadata, files, and tools associated with the GO public website and geneontology.org web presence.
As well, the tracker is used as a catch-all for anything not tied to another GO project.
Every directory should have its own description.
Any of the files here can be edited via the go-site page on github. After editing, create a pull request. Edits will be checked for validity by travis (see the .travis.yml file).
The location of all core GO-related metadata. Most notably:
- db-xrefs.yaml - a linkout registry used by GO, for anything that is col1 of a GAF, or the prefix of a CURIE/Identifier; as well, the
column is used to generate the GO context for /~https://github.com/linkml/prefixmaps. - users.yaml - metadata on GOC members and contributors
- groups.yaml - metadata on GOC groups, for anything that can be the value of a 'contributor' or 'assigned_by'
- datasets/ - metadata on contributed and released files
- rules/ - metadata on GO annotation QC rules
Each of the these has their own yaml schema.
See the metadata/README.md for more details
Maintenance and support scripts.
The files that we're using tp modify our Drupal 7 installation from stock. This may also serve as a base for when we push onto a service.
This files an scripts that we want to preserve from the old GO site. Ideally, any critical functionality can be rewritten in a simpler and more reusable way than the original.