Augment your Source Engine development workflow with Tsukuru, a handy Windows tool which provides useful features for SourceMod scripting and Source Engine map compilation.
- Easy to use UI for VBSP, VVIS and VRAD settings
- Automatic map versioning support with choice of versioning format - Version with date (yyyyMMdd) or incrementing build number
- Supports patched VRAD for improved multi-core performance
- BSPZIP Resource Packing UI with optional intelligent packing mode - allows for only used files to be packed into a BSP
- Automatic file/asset templating - allowing for map specific files to be generated and contents to be replaced via the use of tokens
- BSP Repack support - to further compress data within a BSP
- Shareable compiler settings support - allows you to share your map compile settings with your team
- Realtime output from compiler processes, organised into its own process tab so you can view logs easier
- Integrated game launcher support - once your map compiles you can load the map into the game engine directly from Tsukuru
- Easy to use UI for batch plugin compiles
- Ability to execute a CMD file after a build completes for automation
- Automatic build / version number management
- Copy plugins to clipboard on successful compile
- Import your SourceMod translations into a single project file - this allows for easier maintainability
- Export from a translation project into SourceMod translation files - this allows for you to export translations back into SourceMod from a translation project file. An example implementation of this is the Gemidyne Contributor Portal which allows contributors to edit translations.
The latest release can be downloaded from here: /~ Click on the Tsukuru zip file to start the download. Once downloaded, double click Tsukuru.exe.
Licensed under the GNU GPL License
Please ensure that a User environment variable is set with the name "VPROJECT". Tsukuru expects a User environment variable, instead of a System environment variable.
The VPROJECT user env variable must be set to the game directory.
For example: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf