The intention here is to instantly be able to:
- Spawn a new php project and work it, without having to install any software other than docker on your host.
- Have it as easy and as simple as possible, with a full dev environment and xdebug working.
- A proper php-fpm docker image build that will turn on all optimisations like infinite opcache or preloading in prod stage.
- A separate nginx build that only has public/ content.
- Smallest possible image size. Not only by using alpine, but by being super careful to not keep any dev libraries and other build artifacts in dev or prod end stages.
Source: /~
Dockerizer app: /~
Nginx slim base:
For the examples here, we will use php 7.4.9
. You can use latest
, 7.3
and other variants as well.
(see here for list of tags you can choose from)
mkdir super-project
cd super-project
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -it geekstuffreal/php-fpm-alpine:7.4.9 php-init
Within the init shell that the above will land you into, create the symfony demo project, then dockerize it.
symfony new --demo --no-git .
- The --no-git option prevents you from having to set your identity within that init phase, where it will be lost anyway. You should do that from your own host after.
At this point your project is docker ready.
It was configured to use the lastest specific php version and latest specific geekstuffreal/php-fpm-alpine version, matching the php box that you choose to initialize with.
To try it out, first ensure you exit the shell from the init phase above. You should be outside of docker at this point and inside your project folder.
Then simply run docker-compose up
and see the result at http://localhost:8080/
You should see 6 different stages, meant to give you 3 possible end results. Those end results are a php-fpm dev build, a php-fpm prod build, and an nginx build. Here's how it's structured:
- (intermediate) base is where you add things that you want in both your dev and prod build.
- (intermediate) buildtools extends base, and is where you add the stuff you need in dev, including what you need to build your assets (composer, npm, etc).
- (end result) dev extends buildtools, adds xdebug and it's config.
- (intermediate) build extends buildtools, and is meant to build all your assets and optimize your code, in preparation for packaging.
- (end result) nginx extends geekstuffreal/nginx-php-alpine, which is a slim layer on top of official image to let us configure nginx on the fly more easily.
- (end result) prod extends all the way back to base, copy generated files from build stage, optimize php, opcache config, etc.
Examples all assume you are in a terminal in the folder where dockerizer generated files.
# Build
docker build --target nginx -t mycode-nginx .
docker build --target prod -t mycode-php-fpm .
# Run (in separate terminals)
docker run --rm --name mycode-php-fpm mycode-php-fpm
docker run -e PHP_FPM_HOST=mycode-php-fpm --link mycode-php-fpm -p 8080:8080 --rm mycode-nginx
# Open http://localhost:8080/ to view result
# Build
docker build --target dev -t mycode-php-fpm-dev .
# Run
docker run --rm --name mycode-php -v $(pwd):/app mycode-php-fpm-dev
docker run --rm --name mycode-nginx --link mycode-php -v $(pwd)/public:/app/public \
-p 8080:8080 -e PHP_FPM_HOST=mycode-php geekstuffreal/nginx-php-alpine:latest
# Open http://localhost:8080/ to view result
docker exec mycode-php php bin/console about
Dev environment:
docker-compose up --build
Prod test environment:
docker-compose -f up --build
TIP: If you need to use a different host port than 8080, prepend your docker-compose up with LOCAL_HTTP_PORT=8083
On php 7.4.9, with symfony new --demo --no-git .
, php-dockerize
and docker-compose -f up --build
php-fpm image: 171MB
nginx image: 27.8MB
- double check wording everywhere to make sure we don't make it sound this is more for symfony than anything else.
- try xdebug connect back which could be trickier with nginx in between this time.. (customisable nginx timeout overridden and super extended in dev stage sounds nice)
- get it tried out by someone using docker-machine. file init permissions should not be an issue there as docker-machine makes them irrelevant I believe.
- not sure about non docker-machine users using non default main id 1000. Some minor tweaks left to do to handle this.
- add contribution guide.
- consider renaming prod-test to pkg-test.