- 📖 Components
- 📖 Accessibility popover
- 📖 Search by Courses - Alura
Site to help students in the EDUTECH program. To find your courses in a simple, fast and accessible way.
Website: edutech-gbrogio.vercel.app
obs: Unfortunately, so far, the search for series is restricted to the options
"1st, 2nd and 3rd year High School". This is due to the api used not providing the courses for the series: 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.
If your course is not appearing, or an extra course appears than expected, consider informing to:
Before getting started, you need to have the following tools installed on your computer: Node.js, git, a package manager like yarn or npm and you will also need a text/code editor like Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
Clone project:
$ git clone /~https://github.com/gbrogio/Edutech-NextJS.git
Install packages:
$ yarn
$ npm i
Start server:
$ yarn dev
$ npm run dev
Server started on “PORT 3000” of your browser, access http://localhost:3000
Where TypeScript was the technology used to build code;
Where React was the technology used to build components and pages;
Where Next.JS was the technology used to render code made in React;
Where Styled Components was the technology used to style the page (CSS in JavaScript);
Where Firebase was the technology used for authentication and page login methods;
Where NodeJS was the technology used to maintain Next.JS and others.
Guilherme Brogio 🚀
Made of 💙 by Guilherme Brogio