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Alexis edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 9 revisions

File structure

├── backend     
│   ├── cozy    // manage state of cozy's popups
│   └── system  // interfacing with other apps (taskw, timew, gcalcli, etc.)
├── frontend    // creating and defining UI
├── cozyconf    // user configuration
├── extras      // stuff that didn't fit anywhere else - picom configs, taskw hooks, etc
├── modules     // code written by other people that I'm importing
├── sysconf     // window management setttings (restructuring this soon)
├── theme       // everything to do with theming (palette generation, defining colorschemes, etc)
├── utils       // helper functions and scripts
└── wibox       // override default wibox code (for hot reloading theme)
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