simple online judge
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip mysql-server
pip3 install django djangorestframework mysqlclient
Create empty database soj.(This is not a command!)
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
python3 createsuperuser --user admin
You can check soj/ for routes, soj/oj/ for HTTP handlers.(This is not a command!)
python3 runserver
You can use postman to test api.(This is not a command!)
Browse http://localhost:8080/admin to modeify your database.(This is not a command!)
- support C/C++, Java and Python3.
- RESTful.
- Very simple.
- Secured.
- code: user upload directory.
- sample: problem sample directory.
- soj/ routes.
- soj/oj/ controller.
- soj/oj/ app models.
- soj/oj/ controller accessing permissions.
- soj/oj/utils/ main judge function.
- fake system call dynamic library which contains fake fork(), clone(), execv(), etc. check libfakelib.c for details.
- deprecated. check libsojsandbox.c for details.
- Use libseccomp to disable some system calls. Python had to load dynamic library to use sandbox. Also it's too expensive to use this tech here.
- Use LD_PRELOAD to enable fake system calls which do nothing. See Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (3rd Edition) Randal E.Bryant / David O'Hallaron for details.