data-budget is the Smart Data Management Platform that feeds the web application.
The platform extracts the main financial facts from the official open data portal provided by the "Ministero dell'Economia e Finance" and produces a Knowledge Graph according with the mef-ap profile.
Data consumer agents (e.g., access such knowledge through a SPARQL service, as suggested by the Semantic Web standards.
The data-budget project uses the Smart Data as a Service platform (SDaaS) to provide:
- a set of gateways to transform the raw data provided by from the MEF Open Data Portal into linked data;
- a data ingestion engine and a knowledge graph building script to drive the learning of the Italian Government budget data;
- an RDF quad-store for persist the knowledge graph;
data-budget exposes three interfaces:
- a web workbench to interact with the knowledge graph;
- a command line interface to the data ingestion engine;
- a SPARQL service endpoint;
data-budget is designed to be the data provider component of a general system architecture composed by:
- optional API interfaces (e.g. LODMAP2D-api) that queries the SPARQL endpoint and exposes knowledge graph portions as expected by software agents.
- one or more software agents to explore the knowledge graph (e.g LODMAP2D, YASGUI, LODVIEW, etc., etc.)
All used software components are available with Open Source License, all data are provided with an Open Data License
The platform is shipped with a Docker setup that makes it easy to get a containerized development environment up and running. If you do not already have Docker on your computer, it's the right time to install it.
To try the latest platform release, an example stack of services is provided. Just type:
docker-compose up -d
This will start locally the following services:
Name | Description | Port |
sdaas | the lastest release of data-budget management platform | 29321 |
api | an example API microservice to feed webapp | 29322 |
- try http://localhost:29321/sdaas to access sdaas workbench
- try http://localhost:29322/app.ttl to test the LODMAP2D-api endpoint
To test the platform with LODMAP2D type:
docker run -d --name lodmap2d -e LODMAP2D_DATA=http://localhost:29322/ -p 29323:80 linkeddatacenter/lodmap2d
Point your browser to http://localhost:29323/ refresh the page and enjoy. REMEMBER TO CLEAR THE BROWSE CACHE
The first time you start the containers, Docker downloads and runs the latest versino of the required docker images. It will take some time, but don't worry this is done only once. Starting servers will then be lightning fast.
To shutdown the platform type:
docker-compose down
docker rm -f lodmap2d
Developers should read CONTRIBUTING file
- the Smart Data Management Platform and LODMAP2D application was developed by LinkedData.Center
- data extracted from Open BDAP portal with CC-BY license
- the RDF datastore and the SPARQL endpoint is based on the Blazegraph community edition
Thanks to all project contributors, to the Copernicani community and to the g0v asia community for ideas and support.
GNU AGPL 3.0 Please see License File for more information.