Tool for Analysis of COmponents Systems
mkdir master && cd master
cmake ..
make data_mining
make tacos
When run ./data_mining
an help is printed about
Running TCGA
threads: 2
Please write some options
0 ---> read mainTable.csv
1 ---> read and extimate correlation mainTable.csv
2 ---> extimate means and variances
3 ---> GenerateNullData
4 ---> read nullTable.csv
5 ---> nullTable.csv read and extimate correlation
6 ---> nullTable.csv extimate means and variances
7 ---> read and make bipartite graph
0.811598s wall, 0.160000s user + 0.010000s system = 0.170000s CPU (20.9%)
Options with read are able to create
- A.dat file with abundances
- O.dat file with occurrences
- heaps.dat file with sizes and vocabulary sizes
Options with extimate correlations create a correlations.dat file with H(X:Y) for each couple of words.
Generate null data option create a nullTable.csv file with null model generated data.
Make bipartite graph option creates a graph.xml.gz file which is a great input hieratical Stochastic Block Model
tacos can be used as a python library
import tacos