Curve Plotting Web GUI for the math teacher (that uses LaTeX and Tikz or PSTricks). Realized with Haskell tools.
- Describe a curve by some of its points and optionally the slope of the tangent in those points.
- Configure axis and grid aspect.
- Decide in which points (specified in the GUI) of the curve you want a tangent drawn and configure the tangents aspect.
- Immediate visual feedback thanks to a SVG output (using diagrams-svg) and Tikz and PSTricks outputs for easy and seamless integration in a LaTeX document.
- Autosave and restore session whatever the user do
- provide named sessions to allow for multiple curve projects (GUI modification)
- materialize the styling options for curves in the GUI (GUI modification)
- provide a tabbed interface to specify several curves simultaneously (GUI modification)
- improve the colour support with a simple parser for the xcolour notation (blue!30!white for a 30% blue 70% white mix) that translate it for SVG (easy with Data.Colour) and PSTricks (not so easy) (engine modification)
- allows the user to specify different types of curves (especially plotting functions, maybe Hermite interpolation to add to the current ad-hoc solution). (Hard to do well, Engine then GUI modification)
- ???
- profit (well at least for my classes)