Finds all forks of user/repo on github and add it as git remote
to your local cloned repo.
Useful to find interesting commits of:
- old repo with many updated forks,
- fresh repo with many forks that original author doesn't want or doesn't have time to merge.
Try it out now, just type:
user@host ~/git $ git clone /~
Cloning into 'find_forks'...
user@host ~/git $ git clone /~
Cloning into 'webmoney'...
user@host ~/git $ cd webmoney/
user@host ~/git/webmoney $ python ../find_forks/
git config --get remote.origin.url
git remote add github-user-1 /~
git remote add github-user-2 /~
git fetch --all
Possible interesting forks
| forks | stargazers | watchers
github-user-2 | 0 | 1 | 1
user@host ~/git/webmoney $ ./../find_forks/ your-github-name
Deleted remote branch github-user-1/master (was 5827568).
Deleted remote branch github-user-2/master (was 5827568).
Deleted remote branch github-user-1/develop (was cd7ec22).
Deleted remote branch github-user-2/develop (was cd7ec22).
You need python
(3.4.2 and 2.7.8 tested) and pip
git clone --branch master /~
cd find_forks
pip install -r requirements-prod.txt
Run as console comand:
At first you need some cloned project and
to one's root:git clone /~ cd some_project
Now you can run
one of the following methods:-
specify path to folder:
python /path/to/find_forks
specify module name If
in your PYTHONPATH:python -m find_forks
or if you obtained zip from github you could simply run it:
python /path/to/
You can provide arguments to get forks of specified user/repo:
python /path/to/find_forks --user=user --repo=repo
Use as module:
from find_forks.find_forks import find_forks find_forks()
Now remove duplicate branches. Current workaround to remove duplicates is
/path/to/find_forks/ your-github-name
When repo has over 6000 forks one may face a github's API limit. To continue
fetching use start-page
python /path/to/find_forks --user=user --repo=repo --start-page 61
from find_forks.find_forks import determine_names, find_forks
def my_handler():
"""Your own handler."""
# Do something.
# If something goes wrong you can run default handler, just uncomment following line.
#return determine_names()
# This is mandatory. Your handler should return user and repo names.
return user, repo
Install additional development requirements:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Before you start to pull request your changes on github please run tests to make sure that nothing went wrong:
and check that result doesn't break python code conventions:
pylint find_forks
pylint -d C0111 tests
Check coverage if you needed it:
coverage run tests/
coverage html
then open tests/coverage/html_report/index.html
with your browser.
When I needed find_forks
functionality I'd start to search for available
projects and found gist
of Anand Kumria (@akumria) which I used as starting point to this module.
Copyright (c) 2015 Alexander Pervakov
See the file "LICENSE" for information on terms & conditions for usage.