Install latest macOS version
Install Homebrew
$ git clone --recursive /~ ~/projects/dotfiles
$ cd $_
$ setup/mac-preferences
- Preferences
- Desktop & Screen Saver
- Desktop
- Add Google Drive Wallpapers folder
- Desktop
- Accessibility
- Zoom
- Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom:
- Zoom
- Security & Privacy
- Require password immediately after ...
- iCloud
- Disable everything but Keychain and Find My Mac
- Keyboard
- Shortcuts
- Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls
- Input Sources
- Add U.S.
- Delete British
- Shortcuts
- Desktop & Screen Saver
$ setup/home
$ chsh -s /bin/bash
$ vi -o ~/.bashrc home-examples/.bashrc # Update as needed
$ brew bundle --global --verbose
$ nvm alias default system
$ setup/npm
- Go to Preferences → General → Preferences
- Enable Load preferences from a custom folder and point to
directory_ - Enable Save changes to folder when iTerm2 quits
- Enable Load preferences from a custom folder and point to
$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ vi -o ~/.ssh/config home-examples/.ssh/config # Edit as needed
$ (cd ~/.ssh && ln -s .../SSH/id_rsa* .)
- Turn Settings Sync on
Install /~
Add Downloads folder
$ (cd && ln -s Downloads .Downloads && open .)
- Show hidden files (shift-command-.)
- Drag .Downloads file to the Dock
- File → Import Settings…
- Select .ismp file backup
Config the other installed apps as needed (brew list --cask