foremast-utils is a utility library that generates a service name convention based on a repo url. The library is mainly used to ensure that an application is able to easily know the path to a service it may need.
from foremastutils import Parser, Generator
url = '/~'
project, repo = Parser(url).parse_url()
# a way to customize based on your conventions
my_formats = {
'jenkins_job_name': '{project}-{repo}-master',
'app': 'app-{project}{repo}',
'custom': '{project}*.*{repo}',
info = Generator(project, repo, 'dev', formats=my_formats)
# {'name': 'foremast-test-master'}
# app-foremasttest
# foremast*.*test
This class is needed to parse and gather details about a git repository. A url is split up and the result is a project, repo.
This class provides details about an application's details when using different technologies. Its a simple and concise way to know how a specific app is referenced in jenkins, gitlab, s3, iam, dns and among other services tools.
This class provides a mechanism to alter the way Generator generates certain application references. It is mainly referenced within Generator to provide that functionality.
In setting up the format the following variables are exposed:
domain | Domain |
env | Environment |
project | Git project/group name (lowercase) |
raw_project | Git project/group name |
raw_repo | Git repo name |
repo | Git repo name (lowercase) |
These are the services you can customize the formats along with their default format:
apigateway_domain | api.{env}.{domain} | API gateway base domain |
app | {repo}{project} | Application Name |
dns_elb | {repo}.{project}.{env}.{domain} | FQDN of DNS ELB |
dns_instance | {repo}{project}-xx.{env}.{domain} | FQDN of instances |
domain | | Domain |
elb_app | {repo}{project} | ELB Name |
git_repo | {raw_project}/{raw_repo} | Apps git repo |
git_repo_configs | {raw_project}/{raw_repo}-config | Config git repo |
git_repo_qe | {raw_project}/{raw_repo}-qa | QA's git repo |
iam_base | {project}_{repo} | IAM profile base |
iam_group | {project} | IAM group name |
iam_lambda_role | {project}_{repo}_lambda_role | Lambda IAM role name |
iam_policy | {project}_{repo}_policy | IAM policy name |
iam_profile | {project}_{repo}_profile | IAM profile name |
iam_role | {project}_{repo}_role | IAM role name |
iam_user | {project}_{repo} | IAM username |
jenkins_job_name | {project}_{repo} | Jenkins job name |
s3_app_bucket | {project}-{repo} | Application specific S3 bucket name |
s3_app_region_bucket | {project}-{repo}-{region} | Application specific S3 bucket name with region |
s3_archaius_name | archaius-{env}/{project}/{repo}{project}/ | S3 full path for archaius |
s3_bucket | archaius-{env} | S3 archaius bucket name |
s3_bucket_path | {project}/{repo}{project} | S3 path for app (within s3_bucket) |
security_group_app | {repo}{project} | Security Group name |
shared_s3_app_bucket | common-{project} | S3 bucket name for shared buckets |
shared_s3_app_region_bucket | common-{project}-{region} | S3 bucket name for shared buckets with region |
We encourage contributions, feedback and any bug fixes.
Running tests are very quick and easy when using tox. We validate against python 2.7 and 3.4+
To run the tests simply execute
# only needed once
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ tox