To be able to compile this, you need the pps-tools and cmake packages. libgps-dev is optional. To run: sudo ./pps-comparer -1 /dev/pps0 -2 /dev/pps1 -l log.dat
Press ctrl+c to stop measuring
When you've got libgps-dev installed during build, -g adds gpsd stats to the output.
If you have saved the output to e.g. test.dat (-l test.dat), you can plot the Allan deviation plot with:
./ test.dat test.svg
test.svg is then the output-graph.
For a histogram or as a time-series, use and
Note: when pulses are missing(! e.g. when GPS loses fix), the comparison goes haywire.
Output (with GPS - which is optional):
nr ts1 ts2 difference missing1/2 difference-drift fix hdop
10852 1732126554.000050923 1732126554.000046496 4.427000e-06 548/88 2.783154e-10 3 1.760000
10853 1732126555.000050482 1732126555.000044753 5.729000e-06 548/88 2.206966e-10 3 1.760000
10854 1732126556.000049989 1732126556.000045875 4.114000e-06 548/88 3.406431e-10 3 1.760000
Released under the MIT license by Folkert van Heusden.