This package does some CNPJ magic. It allows you to create, validate and format CNPJ documents.
This library already supports the new alphanumeric CNPJ algorithm that will be available starting July 2026. For more information, see
HINT: Check out the CPF counter part available at /~
This lib is available as a NPM package. To install it, use the following command:
npm install @fnando/cnpj --save
If you're using Yarn (and you should):
yarn add @fnando/cnpj
// Node.js-specific
const cnpj = require("@fnando/cnpj/commonjs");
// @import
import * as cnpj from "@fnando/cnpj"; // import the whole library
import { isValid as isValidCnpj } from "@fnando/cnpj"; // import just one function
// import via <script>; the lib will available as window.CNPJ
// <script src="cnpj.js"></script>
//=> true
//=> true
//=> 41381074673865
//=> 41.381.074/6738-65
cnpj.generate(true); // generate formatted number
//=> 54.385.406/3140-07
cnpj.generate(); // generate unformatted number
//=> 07033324230766
On the web, without transformation, just use web/cnpj.min.js
By default, validations will strip any characters you provide. This means that the following is valid, because only numbers will be considered:
//=> true
//=> 41381074673865
If you want to strict validate strings, use the following signature:
cnpj.isValid(number, strict);
The same example would now return false
cnpj.isValid("41#381#074-----6738\n\n65", true);
//=> false