A shopping list from the future.
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NOTE: To buy list is under active development, most of the listed features are still experimental and subject to change.
Combine your shopping lists into one database that you can organize and explore from any device.
Designed for people who love to shop. To buy list provides a free list management experience like no other.
As a computer enthusiast, I often find myself browsing through various websites looking for the latest and greatest computer components and peripherals. However, keeping track of all the items that caught my eye proved to be a challenging task. I would write down lists on a notepad or spreadsheet, only to lose track of them or forget to update them later.
This frustration led me to create a solution: a shareable shopping list. By creating a website dedicated to tracking accessories to buy, I could easily keep my lists organized and accessible from anywhere. Additionally, by making the list shareable, I could collaborate with friends and family, allowing them to add their own suggestions and feedback to the list.
Creating this website not only provided me with a valuable tool for tracking my purchases, but it also allowed me to share my passion with others and build a sense of community around. Ultimately, the motivation behind creating this website was to simplify the process of tracking what items I wanted to buy, while also fostering a sense of collaboration and community among like-minded individuals.
We welcome any contributions to this project, whether they be bug fixes, new features, documentation improvements, or anything else. Here are the steps you'll need to take to contribute:
- Check for any open issues in the repository that you want to address or improve.
- Create a new branch to work on your changes using the command git checkout -b my-branch-name.
- Make the necessary changes to the code.
- Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive message.
- Push your changes to the branch on your forked repository.
- Open a pull request (PR) to the original repository with a clear and concise description of the changes you made.
- make sure to use commitlint to make your commit messages follow the conventional commit format.
- If you are working on an issue, make sure to include the issue number in the PR description.
All changes to the code must be accompanied by relevant documentation updates. Please make sure the documentation is up-to-date before submitting your changes.
The code in this repository follows the style defined by Prettier with the following configurations:
endOfLine: "lf",
semi: false,
singleQuote: false,
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: "es5",
importOrder: [
importOrderSeparation: false,
importOrderSortSpecifiers: true,
importOrderBuiltinModulesToTop: true,
importOrderParserPlugins: ["typescript", "jsx", "decorators-legacy"],
importOrderMergeDuplicateImports: true,
importOrderCombineTypeAndValueImports: true,
plugins: ["@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports"],
Before submitting a PR, please make sure your code adheres to these style configurations.
For this you can run yarn format:write
in the root of the project.
If you need help or have any questions, please open an issue in the repository.
The project is built with Next.js and TypeScript. Using shadcn components and TailwindCSS for utility classes. Prisma is used for database management, planetscale for database hosting and next-auth for authentication.
- Create/Edit private lists
- Create/Make public lists
- Share list with others
- Share editable list with others
- Duplicate others list
- Bookmark list