Manager V2
Vastly improved rimworld manager!
!NEW! Livestock
(I had a fancy gif prepared, but I seem to have lost it...)
- Set targets for male/female, juvenile/adult animals and automatically butcher the excess.
- Automatically designate wild animals to be tamed when targets are not met.
- Restrict animals to separate areas by age/sex
- Set bills in a central location, your managers will handle assigning bills to worktables!
- Quickly add bills for complex production chains
- Set a target for wood, and never worry about your stocks again!
- Set a target for meat, and never worry about designating hunting jobs again!
- Clear overview of production jobs
- Show history of stocks for the last day, month or year.
- Show pawns capable of a job, see what they're doing, and set priority straight from the overview.
- Prioritize jobs, the manager will handle prioritizing jobs on worktables
Import & Export
- Import and export your jobs between colonies - or even share them with other people!
(disclaimer; may fail horifically if active mods are not the same - back up your saves!)
19/11/15 - a:
- Added the correct set of translations, managed to actually loose them when doing the screencasts
- Added missing textures
2/12/15 - b:- Added livestock tab
- fixed greater than and equals thresholds
- Added ability to switch recipes on production jobs
- Expanded functionality of graphs
3/12/15 - b1 - HOTFIX: fixed errors on loading a save with a livestock job