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Flowkeeper is an independent Pomodoro Technique desktop timer for power users and professional teams. It is a simple tool, which focuses on doing one thing well. It is Free Software with open source. Visit for screenshots, downloads and FAQ.

Flowkeeper screenshot


Flowkeeper has a single major dependency -- Qt 6.6, which in turn requires Python 3.8 or later (3.9+ if you use Qt 6.7). To create installers and binary packages we build Flowkeeper on Ubuntu 22.04 using Python 3.11 and the latest version of Qt (6.7.2 at the time of writing). We also occasionally test it on Ubuntu 20.04 against Qt 6.2.4 and Python 3.8.10. Some features might not work as expected with Qt 6.2.x.

OLD ADVICE, which might not be relevant to you anymore: If you want to build it with Ubuntu 20.04 or Debian 11, both of which come with older versions of Python, you would have to compile Python 3.11. <-- Try the system Python version first.

The Websocket backend relies on Qt WebSockets module, which in turn requires OpenSSL 3.0. Note that some legacy OS like Ubuntu 20.04 require manual steps to install OpenSSL v3.

Create a virtual environment and install dependencies:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-run.txt

Then you need to "generate resources", which means converting data files in /res directory into the corresponding Python classes. Whenever you make changes to files in /res directory, you need to rerun this command, too:


From here you can start coding. If you want to build an installer, refer to the CI/CD pipeline in .github/workflows/build.yml. For example, if you want to build a DEB file, you'd need to execute pyinstaller installer/normal-build.spec and then ./ The process is a bit more involved for Windows and macOS. Note that you'd also need to install extra requirements from requirements-build.txt.

To run Flowkeeper:

PYTHONPATH=src python -m fk.desktop.desktop

To run unit tests w/test coverage (install requirements from requirements-test.txt first):

PYTHONPATH=src python -m coverage run -m unittest discover -v fk.tests
python -m coverage html

TODO: Explain how to run e2e tests.

TODO: Explain how to build Windows and macOS installers. Also, document the signing process for Mac:

  1. Sign the APP via pyinstaller (see codesign_identity in normal-build.spec),
  2. Create a DMG: see create-dmg in build.yml,
  3. Sign the DMG: codesign -s "Developer ID Application" Flowkeeper.dmg,
  4. Notarize the DMG:
  • Create a keychain password for notarization (you only need to do it once):
    xcrun notarytool store-credentials "notary-key" --apple-id "" --team-id "..." --password "..."
  • Submit for notarization (this will take 10 minutes):
    xcrun notarytool submit Flowkeeper.dmg --keychain-profile "notary-key" --wait

Building for Alpine Linux

Flowkeeper's CI pipeline runs PyInstaller on Ubuntu and thus generates binaries which rely on glibc. Alpine is based on musl, so you'd get "symbol not found" errors in runtime if you try to run any of the "official" binaries.

You can still use Flowkeeper with Alpine. We tested it with the edge release + Xfce. Instructions:

  1. Install py3-pyside6 package via apk. This is the only tricky bit. We couldn't install PySide6 via pip from inside the venv, as we'd normally do.
  2. Clone this repo and create a Python Virtual Environment, which uses system packages: python3 -m venv venv --system-site-packages
  3. The rest of the steps are the same as for any other Linux OS

Technical details

Data structue

Flowkeeper data model is strictly hierarchical:

  • Tenant: AbstractDataContainer
    • User: AbstractDataContainer
      • Backlog: AbstractDataContainer
        • Workitem: AbstractDataContainer
          • Pomodoro: AbstractDataItem

AbstractDataContainer acts as a dict<uid, T>, and AbstractDataItem represents a domain object with uid, parent, create_date and last_modified_date.

Due to its tree nature, sharing backlogs and workitems should be implemented via symlinks.


Whenever anything changes in the underlying data model, Flowkeeper emits events. To emit an event, the class needs to subclass AbstractEventSource. All UI updates should be based on those events.

  • AbstractEventSource

    • BeforeUserCreate(user_identity: str, user_name: str), AfterUserCreate(user: User)
    • BeforeUserDelete(user: User), AfterUserDelete(--//--)
    • BeforeUserRename(user: User, old_name: str, new_name: str), AfterUserRename(--//--)
    • BeforeBacklogCreate(backlog_name: str, backlog_owner: User, backlog_uid: str), AfterBacklogCreate(backlog: Backlog)
    • BeforeBacklogDelete(backlog: Backlog), AfterBacklogDelete(--//--)
    • BeforeBacklogRename(backlog: Backlog, old_name: str, new_name: str), AfterBacklogRename(--//--)
    • BeforeWorkitemCreate(backlog_uid: str, workitem_uid: str, workitem_name: str), AfterWorkitemCreate(workitem: Workitem)
    • BeforeWorkitemComplete(workitem: Workitem, target_state: str), AfterWorkitemComplete(--//--)
    • BeforeWorkitemStart(pomodoro: Pomodoro, workitem: Workitem, work_duration: int), AfterWorkitemStart(--//--)
    • BeforeWorkitemDelete(workitem: Workitem), AfterWorkitemDelete(--//--)
    • BeforeWorkitemRename(workitem: Workitem, old_name: str, new_name: str), AfterWorkitemRename(--//--)
    • BeforePomodoroAdd(workitem: Workitem, num_pomodoros: int), AfterPomodoroAdd(--//--)
    • BeforePomodoroRemove(workitem: Workitem, num_pomodoros: int, pomodoros: List<Pomodoro>), AfterPomodoroRemove(--//--)
    • BeforePomodoroWorkStart(pomodoro: Pomodoro, workitem: Workitem, work_duration: int), AfterPomodoroWorkStart(--//--)
    • BeforePomodoroRestStart(pomodoro: Pomodoro, workitem: Workitem, rest_duration: int), AfterPomodoroRestStart(--//--)
    • BeforePomodoroComplete(pomodoro: Pomodoro, workitem: Workitem, target_state: str), AfterPomodoroComplete
    • SourceMessagesRequested(), SourceMessagesProcessed()
    • BeforeMessageProcessed(strategy: AbstractStrategy, auto: Bool), AfterMessageProcessed(--//--)
    • PongReceived(uid: str)
  • AbstractSettings

    • BeforeSettingsChanged(old_values: dict[str, str], new_values: dict[str, str]), AfterSettingsChanged(--//--)
  • AbstractTableView

    • BeforeSelectionChanged(before: AbstractDataItem, after: AbstractDataItem), AfterSelectionChanged(--//--)
  • Application

    • AfterFontsChanged(main_font: QFont, header_font: QFont, application: Application)
    • AfterSourceChanged(source: AbstractEventSource)
  • Heartbeat

    • WentOnline(ping: int), WentOffline(after: int, last_received: datetime)
  • PomodoroTimer

    • TimerTick(timer: PomodoroTimer)
    • TimerWorkStart(timer: PomodoroTimer)
    • TimerWorkComplete(timer: PomodoroTimer)
    • TimerRestComplete(timer: PomodoroTimer, pomodoro: Pomodoro, workitem: Workitem)

The listeners can also pass the carry parameter -- TODO: Explain it. The mandatory event parameter for the callbacks contains the event name.


You may find those as Strategies in the code. They correspond to the end-user actions / data mutations. Each command takes two or three parameters.

All data objects are keyed with UID, which is an arbitrary string, typically a GUID.

Apart from "business data", each command has a few metadata fields, associated with it:

  • Sequence number, used for ordering and checking uniqueness
  • Execution timestamp
  • Execution user

User strategies

Note that users have emails as IDs.

  • CreateUser("<EMAIL>", "<USER_NAME>") - Fails if a user with this email already exists, or a non-System user tries to execute this strategy. Emits BeforeUserCreate / AfterUserCreate events.
  • DeleteUser("<EMAIL>", "") - Deletes a user recursively, i.e. executes DeleteBacklogStrategy for each of the child backlogs. Fails if a user with a given email is not found, if a non-System user tries to execute this strategy, or if we are trying to delete a System user. Emits BeforeUserDelete / AfterUserDelete events.
  • RenameUser("<EMAIL>", "<NEW_NAME>") - Fails if a user with a given email is not found, if a non-System user tries to execute this strategy, or if we are trying to rename a System user. Emits BeforeUserRename / AfterUserRename events.

Backlog strategies

  • CreateBacklog("<UID>", "<BACKLOG_NAME>") - Fails if a backlog with this UID already exists for the calling user. Emits BeforeBacklogCreate / AfterBacklogCreate events.
  • DeleteBacklog("<UID>", "") - Deletes a backlog recursively, i.e. executes DeleteWorkitemStrategy for each of the child workitems. Fails if a backlog with a given UID is not found for the calling user. Emits BeforeBacklogDelete / AfterBacklogDelete events.
  • RenameBacklog("<UID>", "<NEW_NAME>") - Fails if a backlog with a given UID is not found for the calling user. Emits BeforeBacklogRename / AfterBacklogRename events.

Workitem strategies

  • CreateWorkitem("<WORKITEM_UID>", "<BACKLOG_UID>", "<WORKITEM_NAME>") - Fails if a backlog with this UID is not found or if a workitem with this UID already exists in that backlog. Emits BeforeWorkitemCreate / AfterWorkitemCreate events.
  • DeleteWorkitem("<UID>", "") - Deletes a workitem recursively, i.e. executes VoidPomodoroStrategy for each of the running pomodoros first. Fails if a workitem with a given UID is not found in any backlog. Emits BeforeWorkitemDelete / AfterWorkitemDelete events.
  • RenameWorkitem("<UID>", "<NEW_NAME>") - Fails if a workitem with a given UID is not found in any backlog or if it is sealed (finished or canceled). Doesn't do anything if the new name is identical to the old one, otherwise emits BeforeWorkitemRename / AfterWorkitemRename events.
  • CompleteWorkitem("<UID>", "<STATE>") - Seals the workitem with a given state (finished or canceled) recursively, i.e. executes VoidPomodoroStrategy for each of the running pomodoros, if any. Fails if a workitem with a given UID is not found in any backlog, if the target state is neither finished nor canceled, or if the workitem is already sealed. Emits BeforeWorkitemComplete / AfterWorkitemComplete events.

Pomodoro strategies

Individual pomodoros don't have their own UIDs for simplicity. Although UIDs exist in runtime, they are generated on the fly and not persisted.

  • AddPomodoroStrategy("<WORKITEM_UID>", "<ADDED_COUNT>") - Fails if the number of added pomodoros is less than 1, or if the workitem with specified UID is not found or sealed. Emits BeforePomodoroAdd / AfterPomodoroAdd events.
  • RemovePomodoroStrategy("<WORKITEM_UID>", "<REMOVED_COUNT>") - Fails if the number of removed pomodoros is less than 1, or if the workitem with specified UID is not found or sealed, or if there's not enough startable (new state) pomodoros in the workitem. Emits BeforePomodoroRemove / AfterPomodoroRemove events.
  • CompletePomodoroStrategy("<WORKITEM_UID>", "<TARGET_STATE>") - DEPRECATED If the target state is canceled, it works as a synonym for VoidPomodoroStrategy, otherwise it is ignored.
  • VoidPomodoroStrategy("<WORKITEM_UID>") - Fails if the workitem with specified UID is not found or sealed, or has no running pomodoros. Emits BeforePomodoroComplete / AfterPomodoroComplete events with target state canceled.
  • StartWorkStrategy("<WORKITEM_UID>", "<WORK_DURATION_IN_SECONDS>") - Fails if the workitem with specified UID is not found or sealed, or has no startable (new) pomodoros. If the specified work duration is 0, then the default value at the pomodoro creation moment is used. If a Workitem is not yet running, it switches into running state, emitting a pair of BeforeWorkitemStart / AfterWorkitemStart events. As long as it doesn't fail, this strategy emits BeforePomodoroWorkStart / AfterPomodoroWorkStart events.
  • StartRestStrategy("<WORKITEM_UID>", "<REST_DURATION_IN_SECONDS>") - Fails if the workitem with specified UID is not found or is not running, or has no in-work (work state) pomodoros. If the specified rest duration is 0, then the default value at the pomodoro creation moment is used. Emits BeforePomodoroRestStart / AfterPomodoroRestStart events.

Server strategies

All below strategies are used with server-based event sources only, and are not persisted.

  • Authenticate("<EMAIL>", "<TOKEN>") - This must be the first strategy sent by the client to the server, otherwise the latter closes the communication channel. Note that it doesn't specify token's format, leaving it to the authentication implementation.
  • Replay("<AFTER_SEQUENCE>") - Used for requesting the replay of the strategies from the server, starting from, but not including, #AFTER_SEQUENCE. The server may respond with one or more messages with event history.
  • ReplayCompleted() - Not a true strategy (TODO -- Fix it), used by the server to signal the last strategy in the replayed list.
  • Error("<ERROR_CODE>", "<ERROR_MESSAGE>") - Sent by the server to report an error, e.g. wrong credentials passed to Authenticate strategy. Flowkeeper Desktop raises a UI exception when executing this strategy. This results in a message popup and a request to file a bug in GitHub.
  • PingStrategy("<UID>", "") - The client sends this to verify connection to the server. It expects to receive a PongStrategy response with the matching UID immediately after. If the client doesn't receive a pong in a timely matter, it should switch to Offline / read-only mode.
  • PongStrategy("<UID>", "") - Sent by the server as a reply to PingStrategy. If an Offline client receives a matching pong, it should switch back to Online mode.

Admin strategies

TODO: Server-only strategies for Pomodoro Server.

UI: Actions

# Application
actions.add('application.settings', "Settings", 'F10', None, Application.show_settings_dialog)
actions.add('application.quit', "Quit", 'Ctrl+Q', None, Application.quit_local)
actions.add('application.import', "Import...", 'Ctrl+I', None, Application.show_import_wizard)
actions.add('application.export', "Export...", 'Ctrl+E', None, Application.show_export_wizard)
actions.add('application.about', "About", '', None, Application.show_about)

# BacklogTableView
actions.add('backlogs_table.newBacklog', "New Backlog", 'Ctrl+N', None, BacklogTableView.create_backlog)
actions.add('backlogs_table.renameBacklog', "Rename Backlog", 'Ctrl+R', None, BacklogTableView.rename_selected_backlog)
actions.add('backlogs_table.deleteBacklog', "Delete Backlog", 'F8', None, BacklogTableView.delete_selected_backlog)

# WorkitemTableView
actions.add('workitems_table.newItem', "New Item", 'Ins', None, WorkitemTableView.create_workitem)
actions.add('workitems_table.renameItem', "Rename Item", 'F6', None, WorkitemTableView.rename_selected_workitem)
actions.add('workitems_table.deleteItem', "Delete Item", 'Del', None, WorkitemTableView.delete_selected_workitem)
actions.add('workitems_table.startItem', "Start Item", 'Ctrl+S', 'tool-next', WorkitemTableView.start_selected_workitem)
actions.add('workitems_table.completeItem', "Complete Item", 'Ctrl+P', 'tool-complete', WorkitemTableView.complete_selected_workitem)
actions.add('workitems_table.addPomodoro', "Add Pomodoro", 'Ctrl++', None, WorkitemTableView.add_pomodoro)
actions.add('workitems_table.removePomodoro', "Remove Pomodoro", 'Ctrl+-', None, WorkitemTableView.remove_pomodoro)
actions.add('workitems_table.showCompleted', "Show Completed Items", '', None, WorkitemTableView._toggle_show_completed_workitems, True, True)

# FocusWidget
actions.add('focus.voidPomodoro', "Void Pomodoro", 'Ctrl+V', "tool-void", FocusWidget._void_pomodoro)
actions.add('focus.nextPomodoro', "Next Pomodoro", None, "tool-next", FocusWidget._next_pomodoro)
actions.add('focus.completeItem', "Complete Item", None, "tool-complete", FocusWidget._complete_item)
actions.add('focus.showFilter', "Show Filter", None, "tool-filter", FocusWidget._display_filter)

# MainWindow
actions.add('window.showAll', "Show All", None, "tool-show-all", MainWindow.show_all)
actions.add('window.showFocus', "Show Focus", None, "tool-show-timer-only", MainWindow.show_focus)
actions.add('window.showMainWindow', "Show Main Window", None, "tool-show-timer-only", MainWindow.show_window)
actions.add('window.showBacklogs', "Backlogs", 'Ctrl+B', 'tool-backlogs', MainWindow.show_about)
actions.add('window.showUsers', "Team", 'Ctrl+T', 'tool-teams', MainWindow.toggle_users)
actions.add('window.showSearch', "Search...", 'Ctrl+F', '', MainWindow.show_search)

Design considerations

The core is designed with the following assumptions:

  1. All messages are sent by clients. The server doesn't add any messages of its own, even though it could have its own timers. This is done to simplify servers, and enable "dumb" backends like plain files.
  2. A client might be shut down at any moment. Most importantly, there can be zero clients running in the middle of a Pomodoro.
  3. Two clients must synchronize their changes in real time, meaning that they can't make conflicting changes offline. This is achieved via message sequencing.
  4. Some messages might be missing from the end of the list (e.g. the client is offline and they haven't arrived yet), but we can't have gaps in the middle of the history. It means that the history must always be consistent. If we detect an inconsistency in the hisory (e.g. 5 minutes of rest start on a pomodoro in "new" state, i.e. we missed the "work" state completely), such inconsistencies result in the parsing failure, crashing the client. We don't try to "fix" the history by adding records retroactively.
  5. The history is immutable, but we can create a new one, which is a compressed version of the original, as long as it results in the exact same final state of the data model.
  6. If a user tries to delete or complete a workitem in the middle of its own pomodoro, the core will void this pomodoro, emitting correct events.
  7. The history preserves all data, so we don't have to be too careful about deleting things. If a backlog, workitem or user is deleted -- the object simply gets deleted. We don't use "is_deleted" flags, and we don't move things to "orphaned" storage. If we need to restore a deleted object -- we'll find a way how to do it by processing the history.
  8. Strategies are only executed as a result of users' actions or timer events. Client startup or shutdown won't add any strategies to the history.
  9. The Timer never fires "in the past".
  10. All Pomodoros run and end implicitly. They can only be started and voided explicitly.


Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024 Constantine Kulak.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see