pip install scrapyd
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install lxml
pip install chardet
pip install cssselect
pip install dateparser
It's the same as beautiful soup or jsoup, or lxml, or other html parsers
cd ehealth;
scrapy shell http://ehealthforum.com/health/epilepsy.html
ctrl-Z to exit the shell
scrapy crawl epilepsy_ehealthforums_spider
you see that items are being logged
for this spider, there are 2 rules
- rule 1, use css selectors to get the links of all the topics
- rule 2, use css selectors to get the links of the paginations, and ask it to follow, but exclude following into links for user profiles
####Then there is a parse method in the parse method, the spider has landed in each individual topic's page, and is now picking out each of the posts, and putting them into the item object which is defined in items.py Those are examples of good to have fields that the Item should have.
see http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/api.html and /~https://github.com/Axiologue/ShoeScraper