2023: Calcium has been merged into FLINT. The present repository is archived and will no longer be updated. See
for new developments!
Calcium (pronounced “kalkium”) is a C library for exact computation with real and complex numbers, presently in early development.
Documentation: http://fredrikj.net/calcium/
Author: Fredrik Johansson fredrik.johansson@gmail.com
- Exact real and complex numbers represented as elements of automatically extended multivariate fields
- Support for algebraic, transcendental and mixed fields
- Automatic, rigorous numerical embeddings and arbitrary-precision numerical evaluation (on top of Arb)
- Efficient field arithmetic (on top of Flint and Antic)
- Automatic, rigorous simplification (using integer relations, ideal reduction, and other methods)
- Complete decision procedures for algebraic numbers
- Partial decision procedures for transcendental numbers
- Polynomials and matrices with exact coefficients
- Exact real and complex algebraic numbers (absolute minpoly representation)
- Multivariate rational functions (on top of Flint)
- Gröbner basis computation (on top of Flint)
- Symbolic expressions (conversions, evaluation, LaTeX output)