Flow lets one [create / live code] mappings between data streams of various [devices / interfaces] and [applications] over OpenSoundControl. Flow provides a web browser based interface for seeing available devices and implementing mapping scripts via a simplified scala based reactive stream DSL built using akka-stream.
Flow is currently a work in progress and supports a limited set of [interfaces /devices], but will [eventually / soon] support: a wide range of HID devices, various motion tracking systems, VRPN data, MIDI, LeapMotion, Kinect.. etc.
Initially supported devices include:
- Interface.js web guis
- HID devices
- PS3 controllers
- Nintendo Joycon (partial support)
- (There will be an easy mechanism to add support for your own devices soon. For now see device implementations at: "flow/server/services/hid/devices/*" )
- A jdk (java development kit). Recommended Oracle Jdk 8
- sbt (simple build tool) - Install instruction
- get Flow - /~https://github.com/fishuyo/flow.git
git clone /~https://github.com/fishuyo/flow.git
cd flow
sbt run
- sbt will fetch needed dependencies into the build and start the flow server. (first run will take a couple minutes..)
- open a web browser and go to http://localhost:9000
- by default, it will be running in development mode, where project source code changes are detected and recompiled when you refresh the browser, so this will trigger a compilation step the first time you load the page.
- in the left side bar, expand the "Mappings" dropdown and click on "_MyFirstMapping"
- this will load the code for "_MyFirstMapping" into the code editor
- press Cmd-Enter to compile and run the mapping script.
- this example demonstrates generated data streams sent to the Print object which prints whatever it gets to the console.
- try breaking the example by mashing the keyboard, and re-run with Cmd-Enter
- you should see a red dot by the line of code signaling an error in the script
- mouse over the red dot to see the associated error message
- every mapping maps a stream from a Source (generates data) to a Sink (consumes data)
- the ">>" operator in the Flow DSL "materializes" the data flow from source to sink
- IOs are a generalization of anything with a list of named Sources and Sinks
- HID Devices are IOS and provide Sources for each button or joystick axis, and Sinks for parameters sent to the device such as LEDs or force feedback.
- the ">>" operator can be used to map an IO to another IO, in this case materializing multiple streams from Sources in the first IO to Sinks in the second IO with corresponding names and types.
- if an implemented device is connected it will show up in the "Connected Devices" dropdown click on it to reveal its available Sources and Sinks.
- See the "_DeviceMapping" example mapping on how to map device data streams.
- the OSC Sink is an easy way to send data to you application over OSC
- See the "_OSCSink" example mapping on how to send device data over OSC
- Interface.js is a gui library for the browser.
- Flow currently has a simple DSL for generating simple interface.js guis of sliders and buttons, and wraps it as a Flow IO
- See the "_ijsTest" example mapping to see how to create and use interface.js in flow.
- App IOs represent external applications that can receive and send data over OSC.
- App IOs use json configuration files to communicate available [Sources / Sinks] (inputs and outputs)
- Flow listens for application handshake messages through an API exposed over OSC.
- Currently the api is just for App hanshake messages, but future functionality will be added, such as remote configuration and creation of mapping scripts.
- Flow by default listens on port 12000 (to change this.. see application.conf..TODO)
- (See "flow/server/services/osc/OSCApi.scala")
- allolib is a C++ framework for audio/visual applications
- allolib's App class utilizes a default configuration to handshake and enable a default joystick navigation mapping. See "joystickNav" mapping script.
- To customize your App's Sources and Sinks you can override the default config parameter and implement your own OSC handler.
- Check out allolib's example in "allolib/examples/util/customDeviceServerApp.cpp"
- Scala school - a useful introduction to the scala programming language
implement IOs for: apple trackpad, leap, kinect, phasespace, vrpn, MIDI, tty
IO types Float, Int, String, Vec3f, etc.
Guiding implementation of additional hid devices
better Interface.js support
ui changes:
- Connected / Non connected devices / Unimplemented devices
- Show device sinks
- delete, rename mappings
- mapping folders?
- Stream Watch in browser
- Console view in browser
Zipping device streams examples (handling dropping elements in imbalanced stream rates)