This little GO program is intended to fetch all configured RSS or ATOM feeds every hour (configurable) and send new entries per E-Mail.
This project is mainly written because IFTT can not handle feeds :/
Expected errors during execution are also sent via E-Mail to the E-Mail address configured in config.json
For sending mails you should setup a local SMTP server like postfix to handle resubmission, signing and so on for you. SMTP authentication is currently not implemented.
The program keeps the last date of the last entry per feed in it's database to compare it to on the next fetch. We can't just use the current date because is caching it's feeds and they do not appear at the time written in the feed.
- Build binary or download it
go get
go build
- Add a user to run the binary
adduser --system rss
- Copy everything to home dir
cp -R checkout_dir /home/rss/
- Modify run time (if you want to run it at other intervalls)
vim /home/rss/rss_fetcher.timer
- Edit the config
cp /home/rss/config.json.sample /home/rss/config.json
vim /home/rss/config.json
- Install the service and timer files
- Watch the logs
journalctl -u rss_fetcher.service -f
"timeout": 10,
"mailserver": "localhost",
"mailport": 25,
"mailfrom": "RSS <>",
"mailto": "People <>",
"mailonerror": true,
"mailtoerror": "",
"database": "rss.db",
"globalignorewords": ["ignore1", "ignore2"],
"feeds": [
"title": "Certificates *",
"url": "",
"ignorewords": ["[Precertificate]", "ignore2"]
"title": "Certificates *",
"url": ""