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Building a RaspberryPi4 with uBlox GPS-RTC on Ubuntu 22.04 Server

Aim of this project is to build a simple GNSS receiver, running on a RaspberryPi, that could then be used as a development test rig for GNSS applications.

Basic Setup Procedure

  1. Assemble the RPi and GNSS receiver board
  2. Flash Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server to microSD
  3. Configure Ubuntu Server for headless setup and remote access using SSH
  4. Configure I2C and serial/UART on RPi
  5. Configure Ubuntu to use GNSS board's external real-time clock (RTC) and remove fake-hwclock
  6. Test/check messages from the uBlox GNSS receiever

Additional Setup Procedure

To use this RPI/GNSS as a development test rig it is useful to install a programming language (I am using Swift) and to perform some additional configuration steps.

This guide will also show how to configure the system so that we can edit code on a MacBook using Xcode, being able to keep the full benefit of the Xcode IDE.

  1. Install Swift for ARM
  2. (Optional) Install git
  3. Configure network sharing with Samba
  4. Connect to the network share on the RPi from macOS
  5. Create a helloGPS application, on macOS
  6. Compile and run helloGPS on RPi

Basic Setup


The equipment used for this guide is:

  • RaspberryPi 4 Model B, with power supply
  • RaspberryPi GPS/RTC Expansion Board
  • Active GPS Antenna (with SMA Connector)
  • microSD card (16GB min, suggested 32GB)
  • microSD card reader
  • PC/laptop, connected to your WiFi

There are many GPS expansion boards and antennas available for the RPi, the GPS/RTC expansion board and GPS antenna used in this guide are:

  • Uputronics RPi GPS-RTC Expansion Board available from PiHUT or direct from Uputronics. I am actually using a slightly older version of this expansion board (without the USB-C header connector) but the procedure should be the same with the more modern version of the board.
  • uBlox Multi-Band Active GPS Patch Antenna. Being multi-band (GPS/Galileo/GLONASS/BeuDou) this antenna is slightly more expensive that the single-band (GPS-only) versions, either antenna should work. Multi-band antenna available from Uputronics. Single-band antennas available from PiHUT or Uputronics.

Assemble the Hardware

For my setup I decided to buy a case to hold my RPi and GPS expansion board, not necessary for this project but it does help keep all the parts held together and saves possible damage.

Project Hardware Parts

The purchased my case from PiHut, GPS HAT Case for RPi

The final assembly.

Project Hardware Assembled

Flash Ubuntu 22.04 Server to microSD

I used the offical Raspberry Pi Imager app to flash an OS to the microSD card, available from Other flash applications are available, such as balenaEtcher, the process to flash the OS will be very similar.

RPi Imager

For the OS I don't want the overhead of a desktop on the RPi but I want to make the most of the 64-bit architecture on the RPi so will use Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (RPi 4, 64-bit).

  • Connect the SD card reader to your laptop and insert a blank microSD card. N.B. If the microSD card is not blank, flashing the OS to the SD card will completely overwrite any data on the card.

On the RPi Imager app click...

  • Choose OS
  • Other general-purpose OS
  • Ubuntu
  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (RPi Zero/2/3/4/400), 64-bit for arm64

Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS

Next, choose which storage device to flash the OS image to, click...

  • Choose Storage
  • Select the microSD card from the list

Flash OS to microSD Card

Before flashing the OS, the RPi Imager application allows you to configure settings that will help for a headless installation. Click the gear icon gear icon then set the following...

  • Image customization options: I suggest using for this session only, but if you intend to repeat this setup multiple times then selecting to use always is OK.
  • Set hostname: OK to leave blank (default setting = raspberrypi)
  • Enable SSH: Enable the checkbox
    • Use password authentication
  • Set username and password: Enable the checkbox
    • Username: {your_username} (default = pi)
    • Password: {your_password}
  • Configure wireless LAN: Enable the checkbox
    • SSID: {your_wifi_ssid}
    • Password: {your_wifi_password}
    • Wireless LAN country: {your_country_code}
  • Set locale settings: Enable the checkbox
    • Time zone: Etc/UTC (we want of RPi's TZ to be the same as GPS's TZ)
    • Keyboard layout: {your_country_keyboard}

Click SAVE to save settings and dismiss the pop-up.

With all the settings done, click WRITE, you will shown a warning to let you know that the any data on the SD card will be erased, to continue downloading the OS image file and flash the microSD card, clilck YES.

Depending on your computer's security settings, you may be prompted for your username and password; this is to give the RPi Imager app permissions to write to the SD card.

System Permissions

The RPi Imager will download the OS image, write the OS to the SD card and then verify that it has copied to the SD card correctly, this could take some minutes to complete.

OS flash complete

When the flash process has finished, click CONTINUE, then eject and remove your microSD card from the reader.

Insert the microSD card into the RPi, then power-up the RPi.

Finding the IP address of the RPi

When the RPi boots, it will connect to the WiFi using DHCP and the credentials provided during the microSD flash process. In order to connect to the RPi using SSH we need to know the IP address that the WiFi router has assigned to the RPi.

Open a terminal window on your laptop/PC and scan the network for available devices using one or all of the following:

Using arp

arp -a

Use arp and grep to return only IPs with name raspberry or part of the RPi's MAC address

arp -a | grep raspberry
arp -a | grep dc:a6

Using nmap

IP range assignment may vary for individual routers, typically is the base address of most routers with a mask of /24 to give access to a range of IPs from to

nmap -sn

Check the list of devices to find the one with raspberry in the description.

Connect to RPi using SSH

From a terminal window on your laptop/PC, connect to the RPi using ssh, replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP of the RPi. When prompted, enter the SSH password created during the microSD flash process.

ssh pi@xx.xx.xx.xx

Update the OS

Before making any changes to the RPi it is recommended to update the Ubuntu OS.

sudo apt update

The update process may take some time, then upgrade the OS.

sudo apt upgrade

The upgrade may take some time to complete, you may be prompted to restart some services or reboot.

Setup Serial and I2C Interfaces

Before we can use the GNSS expansion board with the RPi we need to configure the serial ports and I2C interfaces correctly.

Serial Port Configuration

By default Ubuntu is set to enable a serial-console, this must be disabled otherwise the root user will constantly take ownership of the serial port, typically this will be on /dev/serial0, a symlink to /dev/ttyS0 which is the UART serial port that the GPS board is using.

sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt


Delete the entry console=serial0,115200


Save and exit nano.

Reboot sudo reboot, login via SSH after approx. 1 minute.

Check that the pi user is able to read data the GPS board is sending to the serial port.

cat /dev/serial0

The data may contain a lot of blank lines and/or 'unknown' data. For a cleaner output it may help to exclude these.

cat /dev/serial0 | grep -v -E "(unknown|^$)" 

Example output:


Configuring the I2C bus and hardware clock

To use the GPS board fully and to make use of the hardware real-time clock (RTC) on the GPS board, we have to setup the I2C correctly and modify the hwclock settings.

Install the necessary tools.

sudo apt install i2c-tools python3-smbus

Check the current configuration of I2C

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

Output should be...

     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:                         -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
40: -- -- 42 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- 52 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                         

The RTC is at addr 0x52 and the GPS at addr 0x42 on the I2C bus.

We need to modify the system config such that the RTC can be used by the OS.

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

At the end of the file, after [all] add ...


The RTC on the Uputronics board is a Micro Crystal RV-3028-C7 real time clock module, rv3028 is the identifier for this RTC.

Reboot and SSH login again.

Check that the I2C bus has been updated correctly.

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

Output should be...

     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:                         -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
40: -- -- 42 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- UU -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                         

Now at adrr 0x52 should be UU to indicate that the RTC is being used by the OS kernel driver.

Now the OS must be configured to use the hardware RTC instead of the fake hardware clock that is used by default.

sudo apt-get -y remove fake-hwclock
sudo update-rc.d -f fake-hwclock remove
sudo systemctl disable fake-hwclock
sudo nano /lib/udev/hwclock-set

Comment out the lines:

#if [ -e /run/systemd/system ] ; then
#    exit 0
#/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz

To read the hwclock

sudo hwclock -v -r


Configure the GPS/PPS

In order for correct NTP operation, the PPS from the GPS must also be configured.

sudo apt install pps-tools
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

At the end of the file, after [all] add ...


We also need to update the system modules

sudo nano /etc/modules

At the end of the file, add...


Reboot and SSH login again.

Check that the PPS is operating correctly.

sudo ppstest /dev/pps0

Output should be similar to...

pps output

N.B. Since V3.00 of the Ublox firmware the time pulse is not released until all time parameters are known including leap seconds. There it could be up to 12.5 minutes before time pulse is available however positional lock is achieved from cold in the expected sub 30 seconds.

Additional Setup

Install Swift

  • Run system update and upgrade, install curl
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install curl
  • Run Swift lang quick install script
curl -s | sudo bash
  • Script will check for system compatibility, our config should be OK, when prompted select (1) latest release.

Swift Version Check

  • Install Swift
sudo apt install swiftlang
  • Check Swift version
swift --version

Swift Installed Version

(Optional) Install git

Git should be installed by default with this the current config, check that git is installed.

git --version

git --version

If git is not installed...

sudo apt install git

Setup a shared network folder using Samba

This shared folder will be used so that we can edit code on the RPi from another computer, specifically to use Xcode and have all the benefits of using that Xcode IDE whilst having all the code saved on the RPi.

We will create a code folder in the pi user's home folder; create a user group coders; then we will configure samba.

In the pi user home folder create a new folder code.

cd ~
mkdir code

Create a new user group coders, then add the pi user to this group.

sudo groupadd coders
sudo usermod -aG coders pi

Set the coders group to be the group owner of this folder, then give the coders group read-write permissions.

sudo chgrp -R coders: ./code
sudo chmod -R g+rw ./code

With the share setup, we can install and configure samba.

sudo apt-get install -y samba

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

If your RPi needs to join a specific workgroup of domain, update the WORKGROUP name as required.

workgroup = WORKGROUP

At the end of the smb.conf file add...

path = /home/pi/code
valid users = @coders
browsable = yes
writable = yes
read only = no

Save and close the file.

Restart the samba service for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart smbd

Add the pi user to Samba.

sudo smbpasswd -a pi

Confirm by entering the password for the pi user when prompted. Then enable the user.

sudo smbpasswd -e pi

To connect to the share from macOS, use Finder. Select Go -> Connect To Server .... In the pop-up window enter the Samba location of the share, replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP address of the RPi.


When prompted, enter the username and password we have created.

samba user credentials

Build a 'helloGPS' application

For the helloGPS app we are going to make use of the existing SwiftyGPIO repo.

Uraimo's UBloxGPS.swift repo is very close to what we need, but is written to only parse GPS messages, our application must parse multi-GNSS message so we will create a UBloxGNSS parser based on UBloxGPS.swift; both repos created by uraimo.

On the RPi, create a new directory for the helloGPS application.

cd ~/code
mkdir helloGPS
cd helloGPS

Optionally, enable git for this project.

git init
git add .

Use Swift's package management (SPM) to create a blank executable package.

swift package init --type executable

Now that we have a blank Swift package and a open share on the RPi, we can write the code of our helloGPS app using Xcode on macOS. Using Xcode, open the package.swift file that we just created; should just need to open package.swift, located in /Volumes/code/helloGPS/ in Finder.

helloGPS starter project in Xcode

In Package.swift update the package dependencies to include the SwiftyGPIO repo, this will download the SwiftyGPIO package; then add this package as a target dependency.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "helloGPS",
    dependencies: [
      .package(url: "/~", from: "1.0.1")
    targets: [
            name: "helloGPS",
            dependencies: ["SwiftyGPIO"])

In helloGPS/Sources/helloGPS create a new swift file, UBloxGNSS.swift with the following code.

import Foundation
import SwiftyGPIO

public class UBloxGNSS{
  var uart: UARTInterface
  var updateThread: Thread?
  var running = false
  public var isDataValid = false
  public var datetime = "N/A"
  public var latitude: Double = 0
  public var longitude: Double = 0
  public var satellitesActiveNum = 0
  public var altitude: Double = 0
  public var altitudeUnit: String = "N/A"
  // Internal fields for quadrant location used to compute lat/lon
  var NS: Int = 1
  var EW: Int = 1
  public init(_ uart: UARTInterface) {
    self.uart = uart
    uart.configureInterface(speed: .S9600, bitsPerChar: .Eight, stopBits: .One, parity: .None)
  public func startUpdating(){
    //Ignored by Linux
    guard #available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, *) else {return}
    if updateThread == nil {
      updateThread = Thread{ [unowned self] in
    running = true
  public func stopUpdating(){
    running = false
    updateThread = nil
  public func printStatus(){
    print("\tGNSS Values:",(isDataValid ? "valid." : "invalid."))
    print("\tDate:", datetime)
    print("\tUsable satellites:",satellitesActiveNum)
    print("\t-------------------------------------------------------- ctl-c to quit")
  private func update(){
    while running {
      let s = uart.readLine()
  /// Parse the NMEA0183 protocol strings that follow the format:
  /// $ttsss,d1,d2,...,dn<CR><LF>
  /// - Parameter text: a string conforming to the protocol
  private func parseNMEA(_ text: String){
    let comp = text.components(separatedBy: ",")
    switch comp[0] { //$ttsss
    case "$GNRMC":
      // time,valid,lat,NorS,lon,EorW,speed,course,date,magn,EorW,ck
      // time=, date= ddmmyy
      if comp[1].count > 0 {
        datetime = comp[9]+" "+String(comp[1].dropLast(3))
      isDataValid = (comp[2] == "A")
      // quadrants, will be used to apply the right sign to lat/lon
      NS = (comp[2] == "N") ? -1 : 1
      EW = (comp[6] == "E") ? 1 : -1
      // latitude and longitude in degrees+minutes format
      if (comp[3].count > 0) && (comp[5].count > 0) {
        latitude = Double(String(comp[3].prefix(2)))! +
        latitude *= Double(NS)
        latitude = latitude.roundTo(places: 8)
        longitude = Double(String(comp[5].prefix(3)))! +
        longitude *= Double(EW)
        longitude = longitude.roundTo(places: 8)
    case "$GNGGA":
      // time,lat,NorS,lon,EorW,quality,numSats,Hdiluition,altitude,unitAltitude,geoidsep,unitGeoidsep,dataAge,[missing in ublox],ck
      satellitesActiveNum = Int(comp[7]) ?? 0
      altitude = Double(comp[9]) ?? 0
      altitudeUnit = comp[10]
      //Unrecognized or ignored string

extension Double {
  func roundTo(places:Int) -> Double {
    let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
    return (self * divisor).rounded() / divisor

Edit the main.swift file as follows.

import Foundation
import SwiftyGPIO

var signalReceived: sig_atomic_t = 0
signal(SIGINT) { signal in
  signalReceived = signal

let uarts = SwiftyGPIO.UARTs(for: .RaspberryPi4)!
var uart = uarts[0]
let gnss = UBloxGNSS(uart)

while signalReceived == 0 {
  #if os(Linux)


Save the Xcode project.

On the RPi, build the application in the terminal window.

swift build

Assuming there are no errors, then run the application.

swift run

The appliction will read the messages sent from the UBlox GNSS receiver and will decode the $GNRMC and $GNGGA messages, update the display every second, displaying the receiver position and usable satellite count.


Build and install a release version of helloGPS

swift build -c release
cd .build/release
sudo cp -f helloGPS /user/local/bin/hellogps

Invoke the application by running hellogps

That's All Folks!


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