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Convertron3000 commodore 64 graphics converter


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Convertron3000 is a graphics converter for Commodore 64 computers. It runs on 64 bit versions of Linux, MacOS, Windows and other systems supported by Python.


Why Convertron3000?

reason description
open source easy to modify and to improve, any useful contribution is highly welcome
portable available on Linux, MacOS, Windows and any other system supported by Python3
instant preview just fiddle around with the sliders and see the result before converting
deal with color clashes visualize color clashes instantly or read out their position from an optional json-file


Using Convertron3000 is pretty straight-forward:

  • Open some image.
  • Adjust the sliders or apply an effect.
  • Convert to koala or hires format.
  • optional: Check position of color-clashes.
  • Save the resulting image.

Commandline options

CONVERTRON3000 v1.32 [build 250302-122436] *** by fieserWolF
usage: [-h] [-i INPUT_IMAGE] [-c FILE_CLASHES] [-d]

This program reads an image-file, lets the user adjust settings and converts it to a C64 koala or hires image.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --image INPUT_IMAGE
                        image file)
  -c, --clashes FILE_CLASHES
                        filename of report containing all color-clashes (in json-format, default="/tmp/color_clashes.json")
  -d, --debug           show color-clashes on consule

Example: ./ -i image.png -c /tmp/clashes.json -d


As of now, Convertron3000 offers various dithering methods. As the PIL-library only implements "floyd-steinberg"-dithering, all other dithering methods were taken from the hitherdither library.

reason description
floyd-steinberg dithering speedy performance from the PIL-library
bayer-ordered dithering the speedy standard, my favourite for C64 pictures
line dithering a modified bayer-ordered dithering method, sometimes looks better than normal ordered dithering
dot dithering not my favourite, but might give nice results on some pictures
yliluomas1 dithering Warning: Painfully slow - use with care! The results are stunningly good sometimes, though.

Please, take note that all dithering implementations except "floyd-steinberg"-dithering are quite slow when using the "Brightness palette"-mode, which is described below.

Brightness palette

Sometimes converted images look better when applying a palette based on brightness values.

  • Select "brightness palette" mode.
  • Choose one of the presets ("purple", "brown" etc.).

You can also create your own palette like this:

  • Edit the .json file: In the .json file you specify the size of your palette and the C64-colors like in one of the examples provided.
  • Open your .json file. You find this option in the drop-down menu under "open custom gradient".
  • Choose "custom" as your brightness palette.

File Formats

The multicolor bitmap is stored in the widely-spread KoalaPainter (.koa) format:

  • 2 bytes load address
  • 8000 bytes raw bitmap data
  • 1000 bytes raw "Video Matrix" (screen) data
  • 1000 bytes raw "Color RAM" data
  • 1 byte background data

The hires bitmap is stored in the widely-spread Advanced Art Studio (.art) format:

  • 2 bytes load address
  • 8000 bytes raw bitmap data
  • 1000 bytes raw "Video Matrix" (screen) data



Getting Started

Convertron3000 comes in two flavors:

  • standalone executable for 64-bit systems Linux, MacOS/Darwin and Windows (see releases)
  • Python3 script

Run the standalone executable

Just download your bundle at releases and enjoy. Keep in mind that only 64bit systems are supported as I could not find a 32bit system to generate the bundle.

Note for Windows users

If some antivirus scanner puts Convertron3000 into quarantine because it suspects a trojan or virus, simply put it out there again. It isn`t harmful, I used PyInstaller to bundle the standalone executable for you. Unfortunately, the PyInstaller bootloader triggers a false alarm on some systems. I even tried my best and re-compiled the PyInstaller bootloader so that this should not happen anymore. Keep your fingers crossed ;)

Note for MacOS users

Your system might complain that the code is not signed by a certificated developer. Well, I am not, so I signed the program on my own.

"Convertron3000" can`t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.

You need to right-click or Control-click the app and select “Open”.

Run the Python3 script directly

Download and the whole resource - directory into the same folder on your computer.


At least this is needed to run the script directly:

  • python 3
  • python tkinter module
  • python "The Python Imaging Library" (PIL)
  • python "argparse" library
  • python "hitherdither" library

Normally, you would use pip like this:

pip3 install tk pillow argparse git+

On my Debian GNU/Linux machine I use apt-get to install everything needed:

apt update
apt install python3 python3-tk python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
pip3 install git+


Future plans

  • custom brightness palette editor

Any help and support in any form is highly appreciated.

If you have a feature request, a bug report or if you want to offer help, please, contact me: or

Changes in 1.32

  • added proper commandline argument parsing (try " --help")
  • added json output of color clashes (can be read from other tools to work on color clashes)
  • fixed: removed leftover saving debug image "/tmp/1.png"

Changes in 1.31

  • fixed: wrong hires image dimensions when using line dithering

Changes in 1.3 (on X2024)

  • fixed: proper scaling, better conversion
  • show position of color clashes in GUI and on console

Changes in 1.2

  • proper dithering support: bayer-ordered, line dither and some others
  • GUI improvements
  • moved standalone executables to releases

Changes in 1.1

  • transfered whole code to Python3
  • great speed improvement, converts much faster now
  • new feature: specify image on the command-line, e.g. " picture.jpg"
  • standalone executables for 64bit-systems: Linux, Darwin (MacOS) and Windows
  • GUI design adjusted for MacOS/Darwin
  • numpy library not used any more
  • documentation
  • custom brightness palette now uses .json format

Changes in 1.01

  • added licenses
  • added to github with proper

Changes in 1.0

  • hires mode
  • colodore palette
  • button: reset color modifiers to default
  • start address now in hex
  • custom brightness palette (config file)

Changes in 0.1

  • initial release


Convertron3000 is a graphics converter for Commodore 64 computers.

Copyright (C) 2025 fieserWolF / Abyss-Connection

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

See the LICENSE file for details.

For further questions, please contact me at or

For Python3, The Python Imaging Library (PIL), Tcl/Tk and other used source licenses see file LICENSE_OTHERS.