Hackathon team with several projects that will be posted here
Hackathon Project: Winner of Most Creative Use of Twilio at Girls Hoo Hack 2021 (Devpost)
Written by Richard Sbaschnig, Victor Liu
A virtual assistant that works on any mobile phone using talk and text. (Video Demo)
- Python (Flask), Twilio API, AssemblyAI, and Wolfram API
Hackathon Project: Winner of Best in Entertainment at QuHacks2020 (Devpost)
Written by Richard Sbaschnig, Victor Liu, Julian Chavez
A mobile app that scans barcodes and QR codes then saves them in a history. (Video Demo)
- JavaScript, React-Native, and Expo
Hackathon Project: Submitted to ThetaHacks 2021 (Devpost)
Written by Richard Sbaschnig, Victor Liu, Julian Chavez
Models 3D graphs and can see them in augmented reality. (Video Demo)
- JavaScript, HTML, Python Flask, Wolfram Alpha API, and EchoAR
To Be Updated