Before configuring a user profile run the following windows debloater command in powershell, found at /~
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Winget app installer files for new windows installations
Winget is currently unreleased and must be installed from the winget-cli repository. As such, this is largely a template repository and will be updated to a usable state upon the full release of winget.
Contains global hotkeys for:
- Media
- LCtrl+LAlt+LWin+Space = Play/pause
- LCtrl+LAlt+LWin+C = Next track
- LCtrl+LAlt+LWin+V = Previous track
- Vim
- CapsLock remapped to LCtrl
- RCtrl remapped to CapsLock
- Virtual desktops
- LCtrl+LWin+D = New virtual desktop (Windows default)
- LCtrl+LWin+C = Move to desktop on the left
- LCtrl+LWin+V = Move to desktop on the right
Link to from the following directory if you want the hotkeys to be always available after rebooting:
C:\Users\\\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Running 'bash' will make the theme of the Windows Subsystem for Linux terminal 'gruvbox-dark', code courtesy of chirskempson. A more comprehensive configuration guide is available in their repository.