eIDAS generic connector for Norway
See these documents in https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eIDAS-Node+version+2.8:
- eIDAS-Node National IdP and SP Integration Guide
- eIDAS-Node Installation Quick Start Guide
- eIDAS-Node Installation and Configuration Guide
Add the following to your /etc/hosts file:
# eIDAS local dev eidas-connector
Start docker containers:
docker-compose up --build
This script is located in the /tools folder.
./importMetadataCertificates.sh <dir> <keystore-file> <keystore-password>
./importMetadataCertificates.sh prod-certs truststore.p12 password
Disclaimer: Only tested on Mac.
- Get truststore from Vault in .../team-idporten/eidas/eidas-connector#truststore-p12-base64
- base64 decode the truststore
base64 -d -i string-from-vault.base64 -o <truststore.p12>
- download certificates from eIDAS-dashboard to folder(the PO has running EU scripts from /~https://github.com/grnet/eidas_node_trust_config)
- Like this:
for COUNTRY in SE DK FI IT AT BE BG HR CY CZ EE EU FR EL IT LV LI LT LU MT NL PL PT RO ES SK SL; do echo $COUNTRY; ./bin/eidas_node_trust_config --node-country-code NO --environment productionNode --api-countries $COUNTRY --eidas-node-mds-certs-dir prod_certs --eidas-node-mds-certs-component CONNECTOR; done
- Like this:
- run importMetadataCertificates script on folder in 3.
- base64 encode the truststore
base64 -i <truststore.p12> -o <string-to-vault.base64>
and replace String value in Vault