Go to the root of KnowledgeBase folder that contains KnowledgeBase.Server and KnowledgeBase.Client folders.
cd KnowledgeBase
dotnet tool restore
Run command below in terminal to generate initial migration script for PG.
dotnet ef dbcontext script --project KnowledgeBase.Server --startup-project KnowledgeBase.Server --context KnowledgeBaseDbContext --verbose -o migrations/initial_postgresql.sql
Error when execute the command above:
Unable to create a 'DbContext' of type 'KnowledgeBaseDbContext'. The exception 'No suitable constructor was found for entity type 'Vector'. The following constructors had parameters that could not be bound to properties of the entity type:
Cannot bind 'v' in 'Vector(ReadOnlyMemory<float> v)'
Cannot bind 's' in 'Vector(string s)'
Note that only mapped properties can be bound to constructor parameters. Navigations to related entities, including references to owned types, cannot be bound.' was thrown while attempting to create an instance. For the different patterns supported at design time, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851728
I think it's because