Home-grown Puppet6 modules set, with defaults and custom configurations - excluding active secrets from data/private.yaml
, and a couple modules including code that's not mine, nor open sourced.
Most of these modules are currently used by my own services (about 30 physicals and 50 VMs), and occasionally hosting customers setup.
With lots of patience and a few changes to data/
yamls, deploying your own services shouldn't be much complicated.
These modules were re-written from scratch for Puppet 3, based on previous Puppet 2 modules, then upgraded from Puppet 4 to 6. Some of which have not been deployed in a while, and may require additional patching.
Some headers may be missing, especially on nagios probes or munin plugins.
Our modules depend on some private repository (repository.unetresgrossebite.com
), fetching a default background for our webserver, statusmaps icons for icinga, phones firmwares, or even packages I don't want to or can't pull from some other repository.
Since my repository also hosts private backups and images, I prefer keeping everything private. Note a fairly-recent copy of these "puppet-distribs" files is available in a separate public repository.
Should you need any help understanding what's in there, getting started, ... please get in touch.
<set hostname/ip/...>
# apt-get install wget git
# wget https://apt.puppet.com/puppet<puppetrel>-release-buster.deb
# dpkg -i puppet<puppetrel>-release-buster.deb
# apt-get update
# apt-get install puppetserver postgresql postgresql-contrib
# su - postgres
$ createuser -DRSP puppetdb
$ createdb -E UTF8 -O puppetdb puppetdb
$ psql puppetdb -c 'create extension pg_trgm'
$ exit
# cat <<EOF >>/etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
local all all md5
# systemctl restart postgresql
# systemctl start puppetserver
# apt-get install puppetdb puppetdb-termini
# cat <<EOF >/etc/puppetlabs/puppetdb/conf.d/database.ini
subname = //<puppet-fqdn>:5432/puppetdb
username = puppetdb
password = <dbpassword>
# cat <<EOF >/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppetdb.conf
server_urls = https://<puppet-fqdn>:8081
# systemctl restart puppetserver
# cat <<EOF >/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/routes.yaml
terminus: puppetdb
cache: yaml
# chown -R puppet:puppet /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
Next, change your working directory to /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/
and clone this repository:
test -d production && mv production production.orig
git clone /~https://github.com/faust64/puppet production
cd production
puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib --version 6.3.0
puppet module install puppetlabs-nagios_core --version 1.0.3
To avoid filling your Puppetmaster filesystem with reports, add some daily job running the following:
find /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/reports \
-type f -ctime +7 2>/dev/null | xargs -P 4 -n 20 rm -f
To deploy an agent, having trusted its public IP (update office_netwprks
firewall configuration in hieradata/unetresgrossebite.com/puppet.yaml
), run
the following:
if test -s /etc/centos-release -o -s /etc/redhat-release; then
yum -y install https://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-el-7.noarch.rpm
yum -y install puppet-agent
apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ; apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install ca-certificates lsb-release wget puppet
export FQDN=`hostname -f`
echo "certname: $FQDN (Y/n)?"
read a
if test "$a" = n; then
echo abort
exit 1
cat <<EOF >/etc/puppet/puppet.conf
certname = $FQDN
server = <puppet-fqdn>
ssldir = /var/lib/puppet/ssl
environment = production
runinterval = 1h
puppet agent --onetime --test