bluepill-baremetal-vscode Public
Bluepill baremetal blink systick project
PRLLM Public
Small dataset with texts, questions, instructions, and answers. Mostly handmade. / Pequeno dataset com textos, perguntas, instruções e respostas. A maioria feito a mão.
Python UpdatedFeb 1, 2024 -
EstudosProcessamentosSinais Public
Estudos sobre Processamentos de Sinais usando puro C, FFTW e SDL
OBDIICodes Public
OBDII trouble codes in json format and C header (without any string compactation).
Longan-freq-meter Public
A basic Frequency meter for Longan Nano and example of external clock triggering for TIMERs
vilaboard Public
A first basic whiteboard.
aluraquiz-base Public
Projeto de um Quiz em React/NextJs feito na imersão Alura
JavaScript UpdatedJan 29, 2021 -
aluraquiz-base-1 Public
Forked from alura-challenges/aluraquiz-baseProjeto construido durante a Imersão React edição NextJS da Alura!
JavaScript UpdatedJan 29, 2021 -
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
Python Other UpdatedDec 21, 2020 -
Otimizacao Public
Diversos programas com estudos sobre Otimizacao e solução do Curso IOTA do Prof. Mario Cesar
Python UpdatedNov 15, 2020 -
ESP32ACMotorInverter_Test Public
Testing ESP32 as Motor Inverter. Not used in production but it worked perfectly.
powerdown-git Public
Forked from jharshman/powerdown-gitPower Save scripts for linux
Shell UpdatedJan 16, 2020 -
fs2ch Public
Recursively search for files in current or specified path and embed they in a C Include file
listatelegram.github.io Public
Forked from listatelegram/listatelegram.github.ioHTML MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
telegram-br Public
Forked from alexmoreno/telegram-brUma lista de vários grupos de telegram pra nós, nerdões, não nos sentirmos tão só.
UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
Initial setup for STM32F207 with Freertos that blink two leds in NUCLEO-F207ZG using Visual Studio Code
opencl-tests Public
As my notebook don't have nvidia gpu, I have made tests with opencl. Worked well with Intel HD Graphics.
C UpdatedMay 1, 2018 -
bluepill-freertos Public
Working blink template for Bluepill mini board made with FreeRTOS - Code::Blocks