JSGen is a JavaScript Program Generator. It generalizes program generation techniques used in another tool JEST which is a N+1-version Differential Testing of both JavaScript engines and specifications.
We explain how to install JSGen with necessary environment settings from the
scratch. Before installation, please download JDK 8 and
$ git clone /~https://github.com/f52985/jsgen.git
Insert the following commands to ~/.bashrc
(or ~/.zshrc
# for JSGen
export JSGEN_HOME="<path to JSGen>" # IMPORTANT!!!
export PATH="$JSGEN_HOME/bin:$PATH" # for executables `jsgen` and etc.
source $JSGEN_HOME/jsgen-auto-completion # for auto completion
The <path to JSGen>
should be the absolute path of JSGen repository.
$ cd jsgen && git submodule init && git submodule update && sbt assembly
Extract and generate a model from ECMAScript 2021 (ES12 / es2021):
$ jsgen gen-model -extract:version=es2021
# ========================================
# extract phase
# ----------------------------------------
# version: es2021
# parsing spec.html... (10,476 ms)
# ========================================
# gen-model phase
# ----------------------------------------
# generating models... (240 ms)
Create the following JavaScript file sample.js
// sample.js
var x = 1 + 2;
Parse sample.js
$ jsgen parse sample.js
# ========================================
# parse phase
# ----------------------------------------
# var x = 1 + 2 ; print ( x ) ;
Evaluate sample.js
$ jsgen eval sample.js -silent
# 3.0
Show detail path and final results during evaluation of sample.js
$ jsgen eval sample.js -debug
You can run the artifact with the following command:
$ jsgen <sub-command> <option>*
with the following sub-commands:
shows the help message.extract
extracts ECMAScript model fromecma262/spec.html
generates ECMAScript models.compile-repl
performs REPL for printing compile result of particular step.gen-test
generates tests with the current implementation as the oracle.parse
parses a JavaScript file using the generated parser.load
loads a JavaScript AST to the initial IR states.eval
evaluates a JavaScript file using generated interpreter.filter-meta
extracts and filters out metadata of test262 tests.parse-ir
parses an IR file.load-ir
loads an IR AST to the initial IR states.eval-ir
evaluates an IR file.repl-ir
performs REPL for IR instructions.build-cfg
builds control flow graph (CFG).
and global options:
does not show final results.-debug
turns on the debug mode.-interactive
turns on the interactive mode.-no-bugfix
uses semantics including specification bugs.-time
displays the duration time.