Requires fftw to be installed and in the compiler search path. Can be built (on mac) with
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$PWD/homebrew.cmake -B build -G Ninja && ninja -C build
| ns/op | op/s | err% | total | benchmark
| 225,384,541.60 | 4.44 | 1.2% | 13.52 | `FINUFFT 3d`
| 221,929,925.00 | 4.51 | 2.0% | 13.41 | `FINUFFT With plan`
| 294,113,152.67 | 3.40 | 1.5% | 17.59 | `FINUFFT With plan & FFTW_MEASURE`
| 43,830,191.80 | 22.82 | 0.3% | 2.63 | `Ducco 1e-4 32 threads`
| 38,593,638.83 | 25.91 | 0.4% | 2.31 | `Ducco 1e-4 32 threads float`
| 43,988,375.00 | 22.73 | 0.3% | 2.64 | `Ducco 1e-4 16 threads`
| 38,441,465.33 | 26.01 | 0.4% | 2.31 | `Ducco 1e-4 16 threads float`
| 43,836,458.20 | 22.81 | 0.4% | 2.63 | `Ducco 1e-4 8 threads`
| 38,524,333.33 | 25.96 | 0.2% | 2.31 | `Ducco 1e-4 8 threads float`
| 39,947,680.50 | 25.03 | 3.2% | 2.62 | `Ducco 1e-4 6 threads`
| 30,629,800.00 | 32.65 | 0.5% | 1.86 | `Ducco 1e-4 6 threads float`
| 52,492,694.50 | 19.05 | 0.2% | 3.15 | `Ducco 1e-4 4 threads`
| 40,499,750.00 | 24.69 | 0.2% | 2.43 | `Ducco 1e-4 4 threads float`
| 43,762,158.20 | 22.85 | 0.2% | 2.63 | `Ducco 1e-4 8 fourier output`
32 threads verbose
nthreads=8, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(180x180x180), supp=10, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 8.690357208251953e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.06773s
+- nu2u proper : 96.46% (0.0653s)
| |
| +- spreading : 70.03% (0.0458s)
| +- FFT : 15.00% (0.0098s)
| +- zeroing grid : 12.75% (0.0083s)
| +- grid correction : 2.20% (0.0014s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.02% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.30% (0.0022s)
+- correction factors : 0.08% (0.0001s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.01% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.15% (0.0001s)
16 threads verbose
nthreads=8, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(180x180x180), supp=10, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 8.690357208251953e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.06083s
+- nu2u proper : 96.35% (0.0586s)
| |
| +- spreading : 76.04% (0.0446s)
| +- FFT : 16.35% (0.0096s)
| +- zeroing grid : 5.17% (0.0030s)
| +- grid correction : 2.44% (0.0014s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.00% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.41% (0.0021s)
+- correction factors : 0.07% (0.0000s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.01% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.16% (0.0001s)
8 threads verbose
nthreads=8, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(180x180x180), supp=10, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 8.690357208251953e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.06255s
+- nu2u proper : 96.22% (0.0602s)
| |
| +- spreading : 76.71% (0.0462s)
| +- FFT : 15.84% (0.0095s)
| +- zeroing grid : 5.08% (0.0031s)
| +- grid correction : 2.36% (0.0014s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.01% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.58% (0.0022s)
+- correction factors : 0.06% (0.0000s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.01% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.13% (0.0001s)
4 threads verbose
nthreads=4, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(180x180x180), supp=10, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 8.690357208251953e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.07497s
+- nu2u proper : 96.00% (0.0720s)
| |
| +- spreading : 78.53% (0.0565s)
| +- FFT : 15.24% (0.0110s)
| +- zeroing grid : 3.92% (0.0028s)
| +- grid correction : 2.30% (0.0017s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.00% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.83% (0.0029s)
+- correction factors : 0.04% (0.0000s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.01% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.13% (0.0001s)
Warning, results might be unstable:
* CPU frequency scaling enabled: CPU 0 between 1,500.0 and 2,250.0 MHz
* Use 'pyperf system tune' before benchmarking. See /~
| ns/op | op/s | err% | ins/op | cyc/op | IPC | bra/op | miss% | total | benchmark
| 197,880,456.00 | 5.05 | 0.6% | 217,901,963.50 | 556,676,074.40 | 0.391 | 26,804,637.67 | 0.1% | 11.90 | `FINUFFT 3d`
| 217,053,533.00 | 4.61 | 1.2% | 237,479,472.33 | 686,037,967.67 | 0.346 | 28,508,262.33 | 0.1% | 13.10 | `FINUFFT With plan`
| 182,291,613.83 | 5.49 | 0.9% | 212,051,136.33 | 606,609,030.00 | 0.350 | 26,951,057.60 | 0.1% | 10.96 | `FINUFFT With plan & FFTW_MEASURE`
| 30,652,621.20 | 32.62 | 1.1% | 43,370,731.60 | 56,349,593.60 | 0.770 | 2,783,816.60 | 0.6% | 1.85 | `Ducco 1e-4 32 threads`
| 23,126,182.40 | 43.24 | 0.9% | 45,454,210.67 | 36,355,304.83 | 1.250 | 2,874,777.67 | 0.6% | 1.39 | `Ducco 1e-4 32 threads float`
| 28,062,049.80 | 35.64 | 0.5% | 89,783,783.00 | 61,602,046.00 | 1.457 | 5,703,966.00 | 0.5% | 1.68 | `Ducco 1e-4 16 threads`
| 24,461,132.60 | 40.88 | 0.2% | 94,985,909.40 | 57,800,654.00 | 1.643 | 5,901,750.80 | 0.5% | 1.47 | `Ducco 1e-4 16 threads float`
| 38,049,807.40 | 26.28 | 0.3% | 180,686,363.40 | 95,224,163.83 | 1.897 | 11,415,654.60 | 0.5% | 2.28 | `Ducco 1e-4 8 threads`
| 36,013,203.60 | 27.77 | 0.2% | 184,567,803.20 | 93,448,693.83 | 1.975 | 11,373,860.40 | 0.5% | 2.16 | `Ducco 1e-4 8 threads float`
| 46,204,953.60 | 21.64 | 0.3% | 242,307,766.50 | 116,781,956.00 | 2.075 | 15,277,996.00 | 0.5% | 2.77 | `Ducco 1e-4 6 threads`
| 43,755,238.00 | 22.85 | 0.4% | 253,121,146.20 | 120,862,158.60 | 2.094 | 15,587,196.00 | 0.5% | 2.63 | `Ducco 1e-4 6 threads float`
| 59,475,115.80 | 16.81 | 0.2% | 354,763,380.50 | 162,042,707.67 | 2.189 | 22,196,754.17 | 0.5% | 3.57 | `Ducco 1e-4 4 threads`
| 59,157,025.17 | 16.90 | 0.2% | 382,848,719.50 | 175,843,370.83 | 2.177 | 23,595,635.67 | 0.5% | 3.55 | `Ducco 1e-4 4 threads float`
| 38,257,984.67 | 26.14 | 0.2% | 185,828,618.00 | 96,719,700.60 | 1.921 | 11,702,591.67 | 0.4% | 2.29 | `Ducco 1e-4 8 fourier output`
32 threads verbose
nthreads=32, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(162x162x162), supp=12, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 6.335270404815674e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.04277s
+- nu2u proper : 95.06% (0.0407s)
| |
| +- spreading : 77.31% (0.0314s)
| +- FFT : 11.03% (0.0045s)
| +- zeroing grid : 8.40% (0.0034s)
| +- grid correction : 3.20% (0.0013s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.06% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.72% (0.0016s)
+- correction factors : 0.85% (0.0004s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.03% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.33% (0.0001s)
16 threads verbose
nthreads=16, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(168x168x168), supp=11, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 7.065582275390625e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.04139s
+- nu2u proper : 96.16% (0.0398s)
| |
| +- spreading : 78.93% (0.0314s)
| +- FFT : 10.68% (0.0042s)
| +- zeroing grid : 6.72% (0.0027s)
| +- grid correction : 3.62% (0.0014s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.05% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.48% (0.0014s)
+- correction factors : 0.10% (0.0000s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.03% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.23% (0.0001s)
8 threads verbose
nthreads=8, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(180x180x180), supp=10, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 8.690357208251953e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.05809s
+- nu2u proper : 96.31% (0.0559s)
| |
| +- spreading : 77.14% (0.0432s)
| +- FFT : 14.69% (0.0082s)
| +- zeroing grid : 5.26% (0.0029s)
| +- grid correction : 2.87% (0.0016s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.04% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.49% (0.0020s)
+- correction factors : 0.06% (0.0000s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.02% (0.0000s)
+- <unaccounted> : 0.13% (0.0001s)
4 threads verbose
nthreads=4, grid=(128x128x128), oversampled grid=(180x180x180), supp=10, eps=1.000000000000000e-06
memory overhead: 1.862645149230957e-03GB (index) + 8.690357208251953e-02GB (oversampled grid)
Total wall clock time for nu2u: 0.09319s
+- nu2u proper : 95.95% (0.0894s)
| |
| +- spreading : 77.77% (0.0695s)
| +- FFT : 14.53% (0.0130s)
| +- zeroing grid : 5.07% (0.0045s)
| +- grid correction : 2.59% (0.0023s)
| +- allocating grid : 0.04% (0.0000s)
+- building index : 3.92% (0.0037s)
+- correction factors : 0.04% (0.0000s)
+- parameter calculation: 0.01% (0.0000s)