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Added first version of struct change test
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everval committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent 7c4f26b commit f7c5930
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 3 deletions.
101 changes: 98 additions & 3 deletions src/StructuralChanges.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,22 +16,117 @@ import .LogPeriodEstimators: exact_whittle_est
import .GeneratingFunctions: fracdiff

using FFTW

export lm_change_test

lm_change_test(y::Array; uplim::Real = 0.15, lowlim::Real = 0.15)
Estimates the location of a structural change in a long memory model.
function lm_change_test(y::Array)
T = length(y)
# Arguments
- `y::Array`: The series to be tested.
# Optional arguments
- `uplim::Real = 0.15`: The upper limit of the fraction of the series to be tested.
- `lowlim::Real = 0.15`: The lower limit of the fraction of the series to be tested.
# Output
- `τ::Int`: The estimated location of the structural change.
# Examples
julia> lm_change_test(randn(100))
# Notes
The function estimates the location of a structural change in a long memory model. The function uses the Whittle estimator to estimate the long memory parameter. Then, it integrates the series and computes the t-statistics of the OLS regression of the integrated series on the starred series. The function computes the forward and backward t-statistics and returns the location of the maximum squared t-statistic. Hence, it is robust to the direction of the change.
# References
Martins and Rodrigues (2014), "Testing for persistence change in fractionally integrated models: An application to world inflation rates", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76.
function lm_change_test(y::Array; uplim::Real = 0.15, lowlim::Real = 0.15)
T = length(y)
Λₗ = round(Int, T*lowlim)
Λᵤ = round(Int, T*(1-uplim))

# Estimate the long memory parameter
d0 = exact_whittle_est(y)

# Integrating the series
x = fracdiff(y, d0)
xstar = starred_var(x)

# Forward direction
tvalsup = zeros(Λᵤ - Λₗ + 1, 1)
for ii in Λₗ:Λᵤ
tvalsup[ii-Λₗ+1] = simple_ols(x[2:ii], xstar[1:(ii-1)])

# Backward direction
w = reverse(x)
wstar = starred_var(w)
tvalsdown = zeros(Λᵤ - Λₗ + 1, 1)
for ii in Λₗ:Λᵤ
tvalsdown[ii-Λₗ+1] = simple_ols(w[2:ii], wstar[1:(ii-1)])

tvals = [tvalsup.^2 tvalsdown.^2]

return findmax(tvals)[2][1] + Λₗ - 1

## Internal functions
Computes the padded series `x` with detrending coefficients.
return x
# Arguments
- `x::Array`: The series to be detrended.
# Output
- `dx::Array`: The detrended series.
function starred_var(x::Array)
T = length(x)

np2 = nextpow(2, 2 * T - 1)

coefs = collect(1 ./ (1:(T-1)))

padcoefs = [coefs; zeros(np2 - T + 1, 1)]
padx = [x[1:(T-1)]; zeros(np2 - T + 1, 1)]

dx = irfft(rfft(padx) .* rfft(padcoefs), np2)
return dx[1:(T-1)]

simple_ols(y::Array, x::Array)
Computes the t-statistics of the OLS regression of `y` on `x`.
# Arguments
- `y::Array`: The dependent variable.
- `x::Array`: The independent variable.
# Output
- `tstat::Array`: The t-statistic of the regression.
# Notes
The function should only be used internally. It is not exported. It is used to compute the t-statistics of the OLS regression in the `lm_change_test` function. Hence, it does not adds intercepts to the regression nor it returns the coefficient.
function simple_ols(y::Array, x::Array)
T = length(y)
β = x\y

err = y-x*β
σ² = (err'*err)/(T-1)
tstat = β/sqrt(σ²/(x'*x))

return tstat

end # module

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