Releases: europeana/entity-api
The version 0.10 of the Entity API including new functionality and fixes:
- Fixes for the serialization of thumbnails (isShownBy) in the suggester output
- Added thumbails serialization in rdf/xml output
- Added rdf/xml and serialization for Timespans
- Added thumbnails for Timespans
- Updated ranking metrics for Timespans
- Hidden labels removed from suggester and added to retrieve method (currently only for Timespans)
- Update for importing entities from the new version of enrichment database
For detailed information on the changes in this release please consult the corresponding Tickets in Jira:
Bugfix for serilizatiion of ishownBy.thumbnail in suggester
The version 0.9 of the Entity API including new functionality and fixes:
- support for Timespans
- added isShownBy to suggest method
- preprocessing of text submitted to suggest method, eliminating field names and punctuation
- improved error message for 404 response
- fix for sort order handling
- support for sorting on multivalued fields
Non functional changes
- Upgraded compilation level to Java 9
See also Github and Jira tickets:
Version 0.8-alpha
The new version including:
- implementation of new (monolingual) suggester algorithm
- altLabels included in the suggester response
Non functional changes
- solr connectivity using SolrCloudClient
- updated version of corelib and api commons dependencies
- updated eTag generation to include the version of the api
JIRA Release:
Github Milestone:
Version 0.7-alpha
The new version including:
- Upgrate to a Solr Cloud set-up
- Integration with the Authentication & Authorization service
- Removal of depictions based on Wikimedia Commons with images from the Europeana Collection
- Support for user created skos:ConceptSchemes
JIRA Release:
Github Milestone: /~
Version 0.5-alpha
The 0.5 Release was created to add two main functionalities to the entity API, namely the support for serilization and new implementation of suggest method using regular search handlers on available labels.
This release includes the following new/updated functionality:
- ADD support fro serialization for entities
- ADD suggest algorithm based on search by labels
- ADD CORS headers for search method
- ADD depictions and geolocations for organizations
- FIX updates of solr index / solr schema
- FIX validation of text query for suggest method
- FIX avoid NPE for language filtering in suggest method
- FIX dereferenciation of wikidata redirections for enrichment of organizations
- CHANGE invalid search queries indicated as bad requests (HTTP 200) instead of internal server errors
See also:
Version 0.4-alpha
The 0.0.4 Release was created to add two main functionalities to the entity API, namely the support for organization type and entity search.
This release includes the following new/updated functionality:
- ADD Support for entity search, including field selection
- ADD Support for organizations
- FIX Bugfixes for representation of unicode chars
- CHANGE Field ordering in API responses
- CHANGE Improved language logic in suggest method
- CHANGE Support for multiple sort criteria
- CHANGE Added types to collections in suggest and search methods
- CHANGE Added support for "all" keyword for entity type and language parameters
See also:
- list of github tickets /~
- list of Jira tickets
Version 0.6-alpha
The 0.6 Release was created to include support for RDF/XML serilization for entities. Support for updated and created timestamps was added in the solr index and this information is serialized in the JSONLD and XML serialization within the isAggregatedBy property, which is currently available only for Organizations.
This release includes the following new/updated functionality:
- ADD support for RDF/XML serialization for all entities (Concepts, Places, Agents, Organizations)
- ADD support for created and updated timestamps, serialized within the isAggregatedBy
- UPDATED JSONLD context for entities
- UPDATED Content negociation though accept headers and path extensions (path extention ignores accept headers)
See also:
list of Jira tickets:
list of Github tickets: