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To use OpenALAQS you need to install QGIS, as well as a couple of Python libraries for the proper functioning of the plugin.

Install QGIS

Download and install QGIS on your operating system following the official QGIS documentation.

If you are running on Windows, you should install via OSGeo4W installer following the Advanced Install route.

Install dependencies

OpenALAQS is built on top of QGIS and a few external libraries that require separate installation.

You can find the list of libraries in the file requirments.txt.

You can either pip install them in the Python environment used by QGIS, or if you are using OSGeo4W installation, please find the packages in the "Select Packages".

Now finish the setup by accepting the unmet dependencies and accepting the license agreements.

If not installed using the OSGeo4W Network Installer, please uninstall the old version and install the new version using the OSGeo4W Network Installer or follow the installation guide from QGIS.

OSGeo4W installation

Find and install those packages:

  • qgis-ltr-full (3.34.x or newer)
  • python3-geopandas (2.x.x)
  • python3-geographiclib
  • python3-pandas
  • python3-matplotlib
  • spatialite (5.x.x)

Search for them in the search bar, and find them under the "Libs" sub-menu and select them such that they are not to be skipped in the installation (previously installed packages are shown as "Keep" in the "New" column). For QGIS you should select the latest version in the "Desktop" and "Libs" sub-menus.

Install OpenALAQS

You can download OpenALAQS latest release from GitHub, or browse previous releases.

Once you download the .zip file, go to QGIS, open the "Plugins", then "Manage and Install Plugins...". In the newly opened window, select the "Install from ZIP" on the left sidebar. Then select the recently downloaded .zip file and click "Install Plugin".

QGIS will automatically install your plugin in the appropriate location.

At this point the OpenALAQS toolbar is visible below the default QGIS toolbars. If this is the case then the installation has been successful.


Quick start

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Find an example study in the example/LSZH folder.

Here you can find the following files and directories:

  • ./LSZH.alaqs - the main ALAQS database, containing spatial and statistical information for a study in Zurich airport.
  • ./LSZH_out.alaqs - the processed ALAQS database, containing spatial and statistical information for a study in Zurich airport.
  • ./LSZH_movements.csv - the movements data in the study, used to generate ./LSZH_out.alaqs.
  • ./LSZH_meteo.csv - the meteorological data in the study, used to generate ./LSZH_out.alaqs.
  • ./LSZH_AUSTAL/* - a directory containing all files generated using OpenALAQS to be used as ALAQS input files.
  • ./LSZH_AUSTAL/austal.txt - the file containing all main input parameters except for time-dependent parameters
  • ./LSZH_AUSTAL/series.dmna - the file containing all time-dependent parameters
  • ./LSZH_AUSTAL/01/e0001.dmna - input grid file, with information on the user-defined grid and on the corresponding data

For more detailed information on how to use ALAQS, the project files and expected outputs, read the official documentation.


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  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Optionally, create a soft link between the local checkout and the QGIS plugin directory for easier developepment. (Linux instructions: ln -s ${PWD} ${HOME}/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/open_alaqs/).
  3. Install pre-commit.
  4. Develop a new feature.
  5. Open a PR.
  6. Wait for the CI to succeed.
  7. Ensure you have a PR approval from another reviewer.
  8. Merge the PR.


Deugging can be done via QGIS VSCode Debug plugin and VSCode.

Sample launch.json:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Remote Attach",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "attach",
            "port": 5678,
            "host": "localhost",
            "pathMappings": [
                    "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/open_alaqs",
                    "remoteRoot": "${HOME}/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/open_alaqs/"


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OpenALAQS welcomes all contributions - code or documentation wise.


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This software is published under European Union Public Licence v. 1.2. LICENSE with certain amendments described in the file, reflecting EUROCONTROL's status as an international organisation.


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We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions, feedback, or inquiries about OpenALAQS, feel free to reach out to us:

Alternatively, you can visit our website for more information or to fill out our contact form.