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Server Sent Events example - issue #7008 #7012

merged 14 commits into from
May 16, 2020
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
/* Multi-client Server Sent Event (aka EventSource) demo
Run demo as follows:
1. set SSID, password and ports, compile and run program
you should see (random) updates of sensors A and B

2. on the client(s), register it for the event bus using a REST API call: curl -sS "http://<your ESP IP>:<your port>/rest/events/subscribe"
on both server and client, you should now see that your client is registered
the server sends back the location of the event bus (channel) to the client:
subscription for client IP <your client's IP address>: event bus location: http://<your ESP IP>:<your port>/rest/events/<channel>

you will also see that the sensors are ready to broadcast state changes, but the client is not yet listening:
SSEBroadcastState - client <your client IP>> registered but not listening

3. on the client(s), start listening for events with: curl -sS "http://<your ESP IP>:<your port>/rest/events/<channel>"
if all is well, the following is being displayed on the ESP console
SSEHandler - registered client with IP <your client IP address> is listening...
broadcast status change to client IP <your client IP>> for sensor[A|B] with new state <some number>>
every minute you will see on the ESP: SSEKeepAlive - client is still connected

on the client, you should see the SSE messages coming in:
event: event
data: { "TYPE":"KEEP-ALIVE" }
event: event
data: { "TYPE":"STATE", "sensorB": {"state" : 12408, "prevState": 13502} }
event: event
data: { "TYPE":"STATE", "sensorA": {"state" : 17664, "prevState": 49362} }

4. on the client, stop listening by hitting control-C
on the ESP, after maximum one minute, the following message is displayed: SSEKeepAlive - client no longer connected, remove subscription
if you start listening again after the time expired, the "/rest/events" handle becomes stale and "Handle not found" is returned
you can also try to start listening again before the KeepAliver timer expires or simply register your client again

extern "C" {
#include "c_types.h"
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <Ticker.h>

#ifndef STASSID
#define STASSID "your-ssid"
#define STAPSK "your-password"

const char* ssid = STASSID;
const char* password = STAPSK;
const unsigned int port = 80;

ESP8266WebServer server(port);

#define SSE_MAX_CHANNELS 8 // in this simplified example, only eight SSE clients subscription allowed
struct SSESubscription {
IPAddress clientIP;
WiFiClient client;
Ticker keepAliveTimer;
} subscription[SSE_MAX_CHANNELS];
uint8_t subscriptionCount = 0;

typedef struct {
const char *name;
unsigned short value;
Ticker update;
} sensorType;
sensorType sensor[2];

void handleNotFound() {
Serial.println(F("Handle not found"));
String message = "Handle Not Found\n\n";
message += "URI: ";
message += server.uri();
message += "\nMethod: ";
message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST";
message += "\nArguments: ";
message += server.args();
message += "\n";
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n";
server.send(404, "text/plain", message);

void SSEKeepAlive() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SSE_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
if (!(subscription[i].clientIP)) {
if (subscription[i].client.connected()) {
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("SSEKeepAlive - client is still listening on channel %d\n"), i);
subscription[i].client.println(F("event: event\ndata: { \"TYPE\":\"KEEP-ALIVE\" }\n")); // Extra newline required by SSE standard
} else {
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("SSEKeepAlive - client not listening on channel %d, remove subscription\n"), i);
subscription[i].clientIP = INADDR_NONE;

// SSEHandler handles the client connection to the event bus (client event listener)
// every 60 seconds it sends a keep alive event via Ticker
void SSEHandler(uint8_t channel) {
WiFiClient client = server.client();
SSESubscription &s = subscription[channel];
if (s.clientIP != client.remoteIP()) { // IP addresses don't match, reject this client
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("SSEHandler - unregistered client with IP %s tries to listen\n"), server.client().remoteIP().toString().c_str());
return handleNotFound();
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("SSEHandler - registered client with IP %s is listening\n"), IPAddress(s.clientIP).toString().c_str());
s.client = client; // capture SSE server client connection
server.setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN); // the payload can go on forever
server.sendContent_P(PSTR("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/event-stream;\nConnection: keep-alive\nCache-Control: no-cache\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n\n"));
s.keepAliveTimer.attach_scheduled(30.0, SSEKeepAlive); // Refresh time every 30s for demo

void handleAll() {
const char *uri = server.uri().c_str();
const char *restEvents = PSTR("/rest/events/");
if (strncmp_P(uri, restEvents, strlen_P(restEvents))) {
return handleNotFound();
uri += strlen_P(restEvents); // Skip the "/rest/events/" and get to the channel number
unsigned int channel = atoi(uri);
if (channel < SSE_MAX_CHANNELS) {
return SSEHandler(channel);

void SSEBroadcastState(const char *sensorName, unsigned short prevSensorValue, unsigned short sensorValue) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SSE_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
if (!(subscription[i].clientIP)) {
String IPaddrstr = IPAddress(subscription[i].clientIP).toString();
if (subscription[i].client.connected()) {
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("broadcast status change to client IP %s on channel %d for %s with new state %d\n"),
IPaddrstr.c_str(), i, sensorName, sensorValue);
subscription[i].client.printf_P(PSTR("event: event\ndata: {\"TYPE\":\"STATE\", \"%s\":{\"state\":%d, \"prevState\":%d}}\n\n"),
sensorName, sensorValue, prevSensorValue);
} else {
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("SSEBroadcastState - client %s registered on channel %d but not listening\n"), IPaddrstr.c_str(), i);

// Simulate sensors
void updateSensor(sensorType &sensor) {
unsigned short newVal = (unsigned short)RANDOM_REG32; // (not so good) random value for the sensor
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("update sensor %s - previous state: %d, new state: %d\n"),, sensor.value, newVal);
if (sensor.value != newVal) {
SSEBroadcastState(, sensor.value, newVal); // only broadcast if state is different
sensor.value = newVal;
sensor.update.once(rand() % 20 + 10, std::bind(updateSensor, sensor)); // randomly update sensor

void handleSubscribe() {
if (subscriptionCount == SSE_MAX_CHANNELS - 1) {
return handleNotFound(); // We ran out of channels

uint8_t channel;
IPAddress clientIP = server.client().remoteIP(); // get IP address of client
String SSEurl = F("http://");
SSEurl += WiFi.localIP().toString();
SSEurl += F(":");
SSEurl += port;
size_t offset = SSEurl.length();
SSEurl += F("/rest/events/");

for (channel = 0; channel < SSE_MAX_CHANNELS; channel++) // Find first free slot
if (!subscription[channel].clientIP) {
subscription[channel] = {clientIP, server.client(), Ticker()};
SSEurl += channel;
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Allocated channel %d, on uri %s\n"), channel, SSEurl.substring(offset).c_str());
//server.on(SSEurl.substring(offset), std::bind(SSEHandler, &(subscription[channel])));
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("subscription for client IP %s: event bus location: %s\n"), clientIP.toString().c_str(), SSEurl.c_str());
server.send_P(200, "text/plain", SSEurl.c_str());

void startServers() {
server.on(F("/rest/events/subscribe"), handleSubscribe);
Serial.println("HTTP server and SSE EventSource started");

void setup(void) {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Wait for connection
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("\nConnected to %s with IP address: %s\n"), ssid, WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
if (MDNS.begin("esp8266")) {
Serial.println("MDNS responder started");

startServers(); // start web and SSE servers
sensor[0].name = "sensorA";
sensor[1].name = "sensorB";

void loop(void) {