LHL bootcamp final group project A multiplayer casual game with up to four people Share unique room codes to play from private lobbys Demo live https://lhltanks.herokuapp.com/ currently no mobile support
WASD or cursor keys for movment, SACEBAR to fire
Select your tank and hop in a room with your friends. Last tank standing wins!
Live version available at https://lhltanks.herokuapp.com/
Use WASD or arrow keys to move, SPACEBAR to shoot
- express
- socket.io
- webpack
- Phaser 3
- Javascript ES6
- Deployment on Heroku platform
- improve multiplayer experience
- complete Game loop with end game to play again
- complete animations
- more power ups
- alternate maps
- re implement random box
- change to server authoritive for location and collision checks
- load balancing and clean up of socket calls
- refactor rushed code to use more classes to dry up code base
- add audio
- possible expansion into user profiles skins pets purchases etc.