Fast and clean Arduboy program uploader (compiled hex and arduboy files).
I was not happy with the current uploaders so I made my own, check the source and download it here: /~
How to use it:
Get games and apps from my repository:
Also check (and upload your own games) my collection: /~
_____ .___ ___. ____ ___ .__ .___
/ _ \_______ __| _/_ _\_ |__ ____ ___.__. | | \_____ | | _________ __| _/___________
/ /_\ \_ __ \/ __ | | \ __ \ / _ < | | | | |____ \| | / _ \__ \ / __ |/ __ \_ __ \
/ | \ | \/ /_/ | | / \_\ ( <_> )___ | | | /| |_> > |_( <_> ) __ \/ /_/ \ ___/| | \/
\____|__ /__| \____ |____/|___ /\____// ____| |______/ | __/|____/\____(____ |____ |\___ >__|
\/ \/ \/ \/ |__| \/ \/ \/
Find more games in the official community
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| |\ | /__` | /\ | | /\ | | / \ |\ |
| | \| .__/ | /~~\ |___ |___ /~~\ | | \__/ | \|
Run "Register associations.cmd" as Administrator
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|__) |__ |\/| / \ \ / /\ |
| \ |___ | | \__/ \/ /~~\ |___
Just delete the files
(Optional) Open regedit.exe and delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\hexfile and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\arduboy
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|__ \_/ | |__) /\
|___ / \ | | \ /~~\
Special modes:
-register Register the file associations
-bundle Start the application prepared to bundle an Arduboy file
-clean Remove the bundled Arduboy file