Comprehensive metagenomic sequence classification of diverse environmental samples faces significant computing memory challenges due to exponentially expanding genome databases. Here, we present Kun-peng, featuring a unique ordered 4GB block database design for ultra-efficient resource management, faster processing, and higher accuracy. When benchmarked on mock communities (Amos HiLo, Mixed, and NIST) against Kraken2, Centrifuge, and Sylph. Kun-peng matched Sylph, achieving the highest precision and lowest false-positive rates while demonstrating superior time and memory efficiency among all tested tools. Furthermore, Kun-peng's efficient database architecture enables the practical utilization of large-scale reference databases that were previously computationally prohibitive. In comprehensive testing across 586 air, water, soil, and human metagenomic samples, Kun-peng processed each sample in 0.2-11.2 minutes using only 4.0-35.4GB peak memory with an expansive pan-domain database (204,477 genomes, 4.3TB). Kun-peng classified 69.78-94.29% of reads, achieving 38-43% higher classification rates than Kraken2 with the standard database. Remarkably, Kun-peng’s processing times were comparable to Kraken2 using the standard database (81GB), roughly 5% of the size of the pan-domain database. Memory-wise, Kun-peng required only 35.4GB peak memory, representing a 473-fold reduction compared to Kraken2 (1.85TB). Unexpectedly, Sylph failed to classify any reads in air samples and left > 99.85% of reads unclassified in water and soil samples using the expansive pan-domain database. Kun-peng also processes samples up to 46.3 times faster, using up to 20.6 times less memory than Sylph. Overall, Kun-peng offers an ultra-memory-efficient, fast, and accurate solution for pan-domain metagenomic classifications.

Fig. 1. Overview of Kun-peng's data retrieval, minimizer generation, and block-based database architecture.

Fig. 2. Comprehensive performance evaluation of Kun-peng against state-of-the-art metagenomic classifiers on mock communities.
Follow these steps to install Kun-peng and run the examples.
If you prefer not to build from source, you can download the pre-built binaries for your platform from the GitHub releases page.
For Linux users (CentOS 7 compatible):
# Replace X.Y.Z with the latest version number
mkdir kun_peng_$VERSION
wget /~$VERSION/kun_peng-$VERSION-centos7
# For linux x86_64
# wget /~$VERSION/kun_peng-$VERSION-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
mv kun_peng-$VERSION-centos7 kun_peng_$VERSION/kun_peng
chmod +x kun_peng_$VERSION/kun_peng
# Add to PATH
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$PWD/kun_peng_$VERSION" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
For macOS users:
brew install eric9n/tap/kun_peng
# Replace X.Y.Z with the latest version number
mkdir kun_peng_$VERSION
# For Intel Macs
wget /~$VERSION/kun_peng-$VERSION-x86_64-apple-darwin
mv kun_peng-$VERSION-x86_64-apple-darwin kun_peng_$VERSION/kun_peng
# For Apple Silicon Macs
# wget /~$VERSION/kun_peng-$VERSION-aarch64-apple-darwin
# mv kun_peng-$VERSION-aarch64-apple-darwin kun_peng_$VERSION/kun_peng
chmod +x kun_peng_$VERSION/kun_peng
# Add to PATH
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$PWD/kun_peng_$VERSION" >> ~/.zshrc # or ~/.bash_profile for Bash
source ~/.zshrc # or source ~/.bash_profile for Bash
For Windows users:
# Replace X.Y.Z with the latest version number
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path kun_peng_$VERSION
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "/~$VERSION/kun_peng-$VERSION-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe" -OutFile "kun_peng_$VERSION\kun_peng.exe"
# Add to PATH
$env:Path += ";$PWD\kun_peng_$VERSION"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
After installation, you can verify the installation by running:
kun_peng --version
We will use a very small virus database on the GitHub homepage as an example:
- clone the repository
git clone /~
cd Kun-peng
- build database
kun_peng build --download-dir data/ --db test_database
merge fna start...
merge fna took: 29.998258ms
estimate start...
estimate count: 14080, required capacity: 31818.0, Estimated hash table requirement: 124.29KB
convert fna file "test_database/library.fna"
process chunk file 1/1: duration: 29.326627ms
build k2 db took: 30.847894ms
- classify
# temp_chunk is used to store intermediate files
mkdir temp_chunk
# test_out is used to store output files
mkdir test_out
kun_peng classify --db test_database --chunk-dir temp_chunk --output-dir test_out data/COVID_19.fa
hash_config HashConfig { value_mask: 31, value_bits: 5, capacity: 31818, size: 13051, hash_capacity: 1073741824 }
splitr start...
splitr took: 18.212452ms
annotate start...
chunk_file "temp_chunk/sample_1.k2"
load table took: 548.911µs
annotate took: 12.006329ms
resolve start...
resolve took: 39.571515ms
Classify took: 92.519365ms
- Rust: This project requires the Rust programming environment if you plan to build from source.
First, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone /~
cd kun_peng
Ensure that both projects are built. You can do this by running the following command from the root of the workspace:
cargo build --release
This will build the kr2r and ncbi project in release mode.
Next, run the example script that demonstrates how to use the kun_peng
binary. Execute the following command from the root of the workspace:
cargo run --release --example build_and_classify
This will run the example located in the kr2r project's examples directory.
Example Output You should see output similar to the following:
Executing command: /path/to/workspace/target/release/kun_peng build --download-dir data/ --db test_database
kun_peng build output: [build output here]
kun_peng build error: [any build errors here]
Executing command: /path/to/workspace/target/release/kun_peng direct --db test_database data/COVID_19.fa
kun_peng direct output: [direct output here]
kun_peng direct error: [any direct errors here]
This output confirms that the kun_peng
commands were executed successfully and the files were processed as expected.
For detailed information and usage instructions for the ncbi_dl tool, please refer to the ncbi_dl repository.
The ncbi_dl tool is used to download resources from the NCBI website, including taxonomy files and genome data. It provides a convenient way to obtain the necessary data for building Kun-peng databases.
To download genome databases using ncbi_dl, you can use the genomes
(or gen
) command. Here's a basic example:
ncbi_dl -d /path/to/download/directory gen -g bacteria
This command will download bacterial genomes to the specified directory. You can replace bacteria
with other genome groups like archaea
, fungi
, protozoa
, or viral
depending on your needs.
Some key options for the genomes
command include:
-g, --groups <GROUPS>
: Specify which genome groups to download (e.g., bacteria, archaea, viral)-f, --file-types <FILE_TYPES>
: Choose which file types to download (default is genomic.fna.gz)-l, --assembly-level <ASSEMBLY_LEVEL>
: Set the assembly level (e.g., complete, chromosome, scaffold, contig)
For a full list of options and more detailed usage instructions, please refer to the ncbi_dl repository documentation.
For installation, additional usage examples, and more detailed documentation, please visit the ncbi_dl repository linked above.
Usage: kun_peng <COMMAND>
estimate estimate capacity
build build `k2d` files
hashshard Convert Kraken2 database files to Kun-peng database format for efficient processing and analysis.
splitr Split fast(q/a) file into ranges
annotate annotate a set of sequences
resolve resolve taxonomy tree
classify Integrates 'splitr', 'annotate', and 'resolve' into a unified workflow for sequence classification. classify a set of sequences
direct Directly load all hash tables for classification annotation
merge-fna A tool for processing genomic files
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Build the kun_peng database like Kraken2, specifying the directory for the data files downloaded from NCBI, as well as the database directory.
./target/release/kun_peng build -h
build database
Usage: kun_peng build [OPTIONS] --download-dir <DOWNLOAD_DIR> --db <DATABASE>
-d, --download-dir <DOWNLOAD_DIR>
Directory to store downloaded files
ncbi library fna database directory
-k, --k-mer <K_MER>
Set length of k-mers, k must be positive integer, k=35, k cannot be less than l [default: 35]
-l, --l-mer <L_MER>
Set length of minimizers, 1 <= l <= 31 [default: 31]
--minimizer-spaces <MINIMIZER_SPACES>
Number of characters in minimizer that are ignored in comparisons [default: 7]
-T, --toggle-mask <TOGGLE_MASK>
Minimizer ordering toggle mask [default: 16392584516609989165]
--min-clear-hash-value <MIN_CLEAR_HASH_VALUE>
-r, --requested-bits-for-taxid <REQUESTED_BITS_FOR_TAXID>
Bit storage requested for taxid 0 <= r < 31 [default: 0]
-p, --threads <THREADS>
Number of threads [default: 10]
estimate capacity from cache if exists
--max-n <MAX_N>
Set maximum qualifying hash code [default: 4]
--load-factor <LOAD_FACTOR>
Proportion of the hash table to be populated (build task only; def: 0.7, must be between 0 and 1) [default: 0.7]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
This tool converts Kraken2 database files into Kun-peng database format for more efficient processing and analysis. By specifying the database directory and the hash file capacity, users can control the size of the resulting database index files.
./target/release/kun_peng hashshard -h
Convert Kraken2 database files to Kun-peng database format for efficient processing and analysis.
Usage: kun_peng hashshard [OPTIONS] --db <DATABASE>
--db <DATABASE> The database directory for the Kraken 2 index. contains index files(hash.k2d opts.k2d taxo.k2d)
--hash-capacity <HASH_CAPACITY> Specifies the hash file capacity.
Acceptable formats include numeric values followed by 'K', 'M', or 'G' (e.g., '1.5G', '250M', '1024K').
Note: The specified capacity affects the index size, with a factor of 4 applied.
For example, specifying '1G' results in an index size of '4G'.
Default: 1G (capacity 1G = file size 4G) [default: 1G]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
The classification process is divided into three modes:
- Direct Processing Mode:
- Description: In this mode, all database files are loaded simultaneously, which requires a significant amount of memory. Before running this mode, you need to check the total size of hash_*.k2d files in the database directory using the provided script. Ensure that your available memory meets or exceeds this size.
bash $database_dir
- Characteristics:
- High memory requirements
- Fast performance
Command Help
./target/release/kun_peng direct -h
Directly load all hash tables for classification annotation
Usage: kun_peng direct [OPTIONS] --db <DATABASE> [INPUT_FILES]...
[INPUT_FILES]... A list of input file paths (FASTA/FASTQ) to be processed by the classify program. Supports fasta or fastq format files (e.g., .fasta, .fastq) and gzip compressed files (e.g., .fasta.gz, .fastq.gz)
database hash chunk directory and other files
-P, --paired-end-processing
Enable paired-end processing
-S, --single-file-pairs
Process pairs with mates in the same file
-Q, --minimum-quality-score <MINIMUM_QUALITY_SCORE>
Minimum quality score for FASTQ data [default: 0]
-T, --confidence-threshold <CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD>
Confidence score threshold [default: 0]
-K, --report-kmer-data
In comb. w/ -R, provide minimizer information in report
-z, --report-zero-counts
In comb. w/ -R, report taxa w/ 0 count
-g, --minimum-hit-groups <MINIMUM_HIT_GROUPS>
The minimum number of hit groups needed for a call [default: 2]
-p, --num-threads <NUM_THREADS>
The number of threads to use [default: 10]
--output-dir <KRAKEN_OUTPUT_DIR>
File path for outputting normal Kraken output
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version
Print version
- Chunk Processing Mode:
- Description: This mode processes the sample data in chunks, loading only a small portion of the database files at a time. This reduces the memory requirements, needing a minimum of 4GB of memory plus the size of one pair of sample files.
- Characteristics:
- Low memory consumption
- Slower performance compared to Direct Processing Mode
Command Help
./target/release/kun_peng classify -h
Integrates 'splitr', 'annotate', and 'resolve' into a unified workflow for sequence classification. classify a set of sequences
Usage: kun_peng classify [OPTIONS] --db <DATABASE> --chunk-dir <CHUNK_DIR> [INPUT_FILES]...
[INPUT_FILES]... A list of input file paths (FASTA/FASTQ) to be processed by the classify program. Supports fasta or fastq format files (e.g., .fasta, .fastq) and gzip compressed files (e.g., .fasta.gz, .fastq.gz).
Can also be a single .txt file containing a list of input file paths, one per line.
--chunk-dir <CHUNK_DIR>
chunk directory
--output-dir <KRAKEN_OUTPUT_DIR>
File path for outputting normal Kraken output
-P, --paired-end-processing
Enable paired-end processing
-S, --single-file-pairs
Process pairs with mates in the same file
-Q, --minimum-quality-score <MINIMUM_QUALITY_SCORE>
Minimum quality score for FASTQ data [default: 0]
-p, --num-threads <NUM_THREADS>
The number of threads to use [default: 10]
--buffer-size <BUFFER_SIZE>
[default: 16777216]
--batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>
The size of each batch for processing taxid match results, used to control memory usage
[default: 16]
-T, --confidence-threshold <CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD>
Confidence score threshold [default: 0]
-g, --minimum-hit-groups <MINIMUM_HIT_GROUPS>
The minimum number of hit groups needed for a call [default: 2]
Enables use of a Kraken 2 compatible shared database
-K, --report-kmer-data
In comb. w/ -R, provide minimizer information in report
-z, --report-zero-counts
In comb. w/ -R, report taxa w/ 0 count
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version
Print version
- Step-by-Step Processing Mode:
- Description: This mode breaks down the chunk processing mode into individual steps, providing greater flexibility in managing the entire classification process.
- Characteristics:
- Flexible processing steps
- Similar memory consumption to Chunk Processing Mode
- Performance varies based on execution steps
- test_out/output_1.txt:
Standard Kraken Output Format:
- "C"/"U": a one letter code indicating that the sequence was either classified or unclassified.
- The sequence ID, obtained from the FASTA/FASTQ header.
- The taxonomy ID Kraken 2 used to label the sequence; this is 0 if the sequence is unclassified.
- The length of the sequence in bp. In the case of paired read data, this will be a string containing the lengths of the two sequences in bp, separated by a pipe character, e.g. "98|94".
- A space-delimited list indicating the LCA mapping of each k-mer in the sequence(s). For example, "562:13 561:4 A:31 0:1 562:3" would indicate that:
- the first 13 k-mers mapped to taxonomy ID #562
- the next 4 k-mers mapped to taxonomy ID #561
- the next 31 k-mers contained an ambiguous nucleotide
- the next k-mer was not in the database
- the last 3 k-mers mapped to taxonomy ID #562
Note that paired read data will contain a "
" token in this list to indicate the end of one read and the beginning of another.
- test_out/output_1.kreport2:
100.00 1 0 R 1 root
100.00 1 0 D 10239 Viruses
100.00 1 0 D1 2559587 Riboviria
100.00 1 0 O 76804 Nidovirales
100.00 1 0 O1 2499399 Cornidovirineae
100.00 1 0 F 11118 Coronaviridae
100.00 1 0 F1 2501931 Orthocoronavirinae
100.00 1 0 G 694002 Betacoronavirus
100.00 1 0 G1 2509511 Sarbecovirus
100.00 1 0 S 694009 Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
100.00 1 1 S1 2697049 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Sample Report Output Formats:
- Percentage of fragments covered by the clade rooted at this taxon
- Number of fragments covered by the clade rooted at this taxon
- Number of fragments assigned directly to this taxon
- A rank code, indicating (U)nclassified, (R)oot, (D)omain, (K)ingdom, (P)hylum, (C)lass, (O)rder, (F)amily, (G)enus, or (S)pecies. Taxa that are not at any of these 10 ranks have a rank code that is formed by using the rank code of the closest ancestor rank with a number indicating the distance from that rank. E.g., "G2" is a rank code indicating a taxon is between genus and species and the grandparent taxon is at the genus rank.
- NCBI taxonomic ID number
- Indented scientific name