This version is built for net6.0. For the legacy full framework version please use the full-framework/master
Foundation offers a starting point that is intuitive, well-structured and modular allowing developers to explore CMS, Commerce, Personalization, Search amd Navigaion, Data Platform and Experimentation.
You will need these to run locally on your machine.
Net 6 sdk is required to use with visual studio. Runtime maybe sufficent to just run the application.
Foundation has a default username and password of / Episerver123!
open command prompt as administrator
git clone /~
cd foundation
dotnet run --project .\src\Foundation\Foundation.csproj
Open a Terminal window
git clone /~
cd Foundation
chmod u+x
dotnet run --project ./src/Foundation/Foundation.csproj
Open a bash terminal window
git clone /~
cd Foundation
chmod u+x
dotnet run --project ./src/Foundation/Foundation.csproj
After completing the setup steps and running the solution, access the site at http://localhost:5000.
To change the default port, modify the file /src/Foundation/Properties/launchSettings.json.