Super lightweight async HTTP server in pure Swift.
Please read: Embedded web server for iOS UI testing.
See also: Our lightweight web framework Ambassador based on Embassy
- Swift 4 & 5
- iOS / tvOS / MacOS / Linux
- Super lightweight, only 1.5 K of lines
- Zero third-party dependency
- Async event loop based HTTP server, makes long-polling, delay and bandwidth throttling all possible
- HTTP Application based on SWSGI, super flexible
- IPV6 ready, also supports IPV4 (dual stack)
- Automatic testing covered
Here's a simple example shows how Embassy works.
let loop = try! SelectorEventLoop(selector: try! KqueueSelector())
let server = DefaultHTTPServer(eventLoop: loop, port: 8080) {
environ: [String: Any],
startResponse: ((String, [(String, String)]) -> Void),
sendBody: ((Data) -> Void)
) in
// Start HTTP response
startResponse("200 OK", [])
let pathInfo = environ["PATH_INFO"]! as! String
sendBody(Data("the path you're visiting is \(pathInfo.debugDescription)".utf8))
// send EOF
// Start HTTP server to listen on the port
try! server.start()
// Run event loop
Then you can visit http://[::1]:8080/foo-bar
in the browser and see
the path you're visiting is "/foo-bar"
By default, the server will be bound only to the localhost interface (::1) for security reasons. If you want to access your server over an external network, you'll need to change the bind interface to all addresses:
let server = DefaultHTTPServer(eventLoop: loop, interface: "::", port: 8080)
To use the async event loop, you can get it via key embassy.event_loop
in environ
dictionary and cast it to EventLoop
. For example, you can create an SWSGI app which delays sendBody
call like this
let app = { (
environ: [String: Any],
startResponse: ((String, [(String, String)]) -> Void),
sendBody: @escaping ((Data) -> Void)
) in
startResponse("200 OK", [])
let loop = environ["embassy.event_loop"] as! EventLoop 1) {
sendBody(Data("hello ".utf8))
} 2) {
sendBody(Data("baby ".utf8))
} 3) {
Please notice that functions passed into SWSGI should be only called within the same thread for running the EventLoop
, they are all not threadsafe, therefore, you should not use GCD for delaying any call. Instead, there are some methods from EventLoop
you can use, and they are all threadsafe
Call given callback as soon as possible in the event loop
Schedule given callback to withDelay
seconds then call it in the event loop.
Schedule given callback to be called at atTime
in the event loop. If the given time is in the past or zero, this methods works exactly like call
with only callback parameter.
SWSGI is a hat tip to Python's WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface). It's a gateway interface enables web applications to talk to HTTP clients without knowing HTTP server implementation details.
It's defined as
public typealias SWSGI = (
[String: Any],
@escaping ((String, [(String, String)]) -> Void),
@escaping ((Data) -> Void)
) -> Void
It's a dictionary contains all necessary information about the request. It basically follows WSGI standard, except wsgi.*
keys will be swsgi.*
instead. For example:
"SERVER_NAME": "[::1]",
"SERVER_PORT" : "53479",
"PATH_INFO" : "/",
"HTTP_HOST": "[::1]:8889",
"HTTP_USER_AGENT" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36",
"HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" : "en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.6,zh;q=0.4,zh-CN;q=0.2",
"HTTP_CONNECTION" : "keep-alive",
"HTTP_ACCEPT" : "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" : "gzip, deflate, sdch",
"swsgi.version" : "0.1",
"swsgi.input" : (Function),
"swsgi.error" : "",
"swsgi.multiprocess" : false,
"swsgi.multithread" : false,
"swsgi.url_scheme" : "http",
"swsgi.run_once" : false
To read request from body, you can use swsgi.input
, for example
let input = environ["swsgi.input"] as! SWSGIInput
input { data in
// handle the body data here
An empty Data will be passed into the input data handler when EOF
reached. Also please notice that, request body won't be read if swsgi.input
is not set or set to nil. You can use swsgi.input
as bandwidth control, set
it to nil when you don't want to receive any data from client.
Some extra Embassy server specific keys are
object for the requestembassy.event_loop
- Version of embassy as a String, e.g.3.0.0
Function for starting to send HTTP response header to client, the first argument is status code with message, e.g. "200 OK". The second argument is headers, as a list of key value tuple.
To response HTTP header, you can do
startResponse("200 OK", [("Set-Cookie", "foo=bar")])
can only be called once per request, extra call will be simply ignored.
Function for sending body data to client. You need to call startResponse
first in order to call sendBody
. If you don't call startResponse
first, all calls to sendBody
will be ignored. To send data, here you can do
To end the response data stream simply call sendBody
with an empty Data.
To install with CocoaPod, add Embassy to your Podfile:
pod 'Embassy', '~> 4.1'
To install with Carthage, add Embassy to your Cartfile:
github "envoy/Embassy" ~> 4.1
Add it this Embassy repo in Package.swift
, like this
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "EmbassyExample",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "/~",
from: "4.1.4"),
You can read this example project here.