A wealthy JavaScript repository with styles, React components and helper functions.
These parts are part of the library
- src/components
src/containers(not working yet)- src/styles
- src/utils
When building the library it ends up in three bundles: 'bogu', 'bogu/utils' and 'bogu/styles'. Each can be like
import { HeaderTimeline } from 'bogu'
import { color } from 'bogu/styles'
Remember to build before releases.
Checklist includes:
npm run build
npm run test
- update package json
git commit ...
git tag <version>
git push && git push --tags
number is used with npm.
Bogu is installed with npm from github using the following command:
npm install --save git+ssh://git@github.com:entur/bogu.git#0.1.3
Alternatively it can be added to package.json
like so
"bogu": "git@github.com:entur/bogu.git#0.1.3"
It is important to refer to a specific version, in this case version #0.1.3
Upgrades react peer dependency to >16, and therefore is a breaking change.