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Entase plugin for Wordpress

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub release (latest by date)


How it works

This plugin creates two post types - Production and Event. Both are imported & synced from Entase. You can however add an additional custom functionality by attaching to the wordpress hooks as usual. The plugin functionality should not conflict with any existing post types named Production and/or Event. However some integrations might have unexpected result.

This plugin is integrated with Elementor, but it is NOT REQUIRED. It also works as a standalone solution with shortcodes.


  1. Install and activate the plugin as usual.
  2. Retrieve your public and secret API keys from Entase and add them inside Dashboard -> Settigs -> Entase
  3. Import your productions by going to Dashboard -> Productions and click Import from Entase button.
  4. Import your events by going to Dashboard -> Events and click Import from Entase button.


  • [entase_title]
  • [entase_story]
  • [entase_id]
  • [entase_productionid]
  • [entase_link]
  • [entase_book]
  • [entase_photo_poster]
  • [entase_photo_og]
  • [entase_productions]
  • [entase_events]



  • markup2html - Auto parse Entase markup description. Don't set or set to no. Default: yes.


  • limit - Set items limit. 0 means no limit. Default: 0.
  • fields - Item fields to include. Comma separated list. Possible options: post_title, post_content, post_feature_image, post_tags, entase_title, entase_story, entase_photo_poster, entase_photo_og, multisource_image.
  • filter_categories - Filter by category IDs. Comma separated list.
  • filter_tags - Filter by tag IDs. Comma separated list.
  • filter_current_categories - Filter by the same categories of the current query object. Default: no. Options: yes | no.
  • filter_current_tags - Filter by the same tags of the current query object. Default: no. Options: yes | no.
  • multisource_image - Provide the sources for multisource_image field. Comma separated list. Default: "". Options: post_feature_image, entase_photo_poster, entase_photo_og.


  • limit - Set items limit. 0 means no limit. Default: 0.
  • fields - Item fields to include. Comma separated list. Possible options: production_post_title, production_post_content, production_post_feature_image, entase_title, entase_story, entase_photo_poster, entase_photo_og, post_title, post_content, post_feature_image, entase_dateStart, entase_dateonly, entase_timeonly, entase_book, entase_location_countryCode, entase_location_countryName, entase_location_cityName, entase_location_postCode, entase_location_address, entase_location_placeName, entase_location_lat, entase_location_lng
  • filter_status - Filter by event status. Comma separated list. Default: 1. Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • filter_productions - Filter by production Entase IDs. Comma separated list.
  • filter_current_production - Filter by the same production of the current query object. Default: no. Options: yes | no.
  • allow_qs_production - Filter by production Entase ID provided in Query String with arg ?produciton=....... Default: no. Options: yes | no.
  • allow_qs_date - Filter by date provided in Query String with arg ?date=start-end. Date format: YYYYMMDD. Example: 20220901-2022-09-30. Default: no. Options: yes | no.
  • targeturl - Click action when item is clicked. Default: book. Options: book | production.
  • booklabel - Label of the book button. Default: Book.
  • dateformat - Date format. PHP compatible.
  • timeformat - Time format. PHP comaptible.
  • contentchars - Apply limit for post_content, production_post_content, entase_story fields. Default: 200


For your conviniance the shortcode functionality is wrapped inside an Elementor widgets and active tags.


  • Productions widget - customizable productions grid
  • Events widget - customizable events grid

Active Tags

  • Production title
  • Production story
  • Production photo poster
  • Production photo og


You can turn on auto sync by going to Dashboard -> Settigs -> Entase and enable Auto sync periodically (cron) option.

Sync method
The sync functions are pulling new data by querieng Entase API in scheduled intervals of time.

Sync schedule

  • Every 10 minutes - Upcoming events update.
  • Every 15 minutes - New events import.
  • Every 25 minutes - New productions import.

Note that the cron jobs hooks with the WP-Cron schedule which is not a real cron job. If possible it's recommended to move the WP cron execution on a real cron job execution which will speed up the entire website. This is highly dependent on your hosting provider and plan.

For more information please read here.

Update Channel

All plugins downloaded from this repository will receive updates from the Releases section.