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                                       M a e m o  E d i t i o n

This is UAE4ALL emulator port for Maemo 5 Platform (ie. Nokia N900).
Maemo release is based on the source code from Chui's UAE4ALL RC2
and critical's & notaz's UAE4ALL GP2X v0.8.0.

Homepage of UAE4All Maemo Edition:

Chui's Dreamcast UAE4ALL:

notaz's UAE4ALL GP2X:

UAE4ALL RC 1 (11/03/2006)                                Chui & Fox68k 2006

UAE4ALL is an Amiga 500 emulator for the Dreamcast videogame system.

This is a branch emulation development from Experimental UAE 0.8.22.
E-UAE is open-source software and is made available under the terms of the
GNU GPL. E-UAE is based on the work of dozens of contributors including
Bernd Schmidt (the original author and maintainer of UAE), Bernie Meyer 
(the author of the x86 JIT compiler), Toni Wilen (the current maintainer of 
WinUAE), and many more.
UAE4ALL RC 2 (02/04/2010)                                              Chui

Some new features for Dingoo
like savestates and some better speed for sound.

UAE4All Emulates Commodore Amiga 500 with additional 512kB RAM expansion.

You need to put the "kick.rom" image in the MyDocs directory (MMC root).
Make sure that you have the correct kickstart image (524288 bytes).
The original kickstart 1.3 works best.

GZip compressed ADF (.ADZ) images are supported.

For more information see README.Dingoo and README.GP2X.

This is GPL'ed software... respect the license.

Menu keymapping:
<- : A, <-
-> : D, ->
^  : W, ^
v  : S, v
Cancel : Q, LALT
Load   : C, LSHIFT
X      : E, LCTRL, ENTER
Y      : X, SPACE
R      : 1, TAB
L      : 2, BACKSPACE

Keyboard mapping:
1-0    : Fn + Q-P
F1-F10 : Fn + Ctrl + Q-P
Escape : Fn + Ctrl + BACKSPACE
Keypad : Fn + Shift + Q-P ASFV.ENTER

StatusBar                  : Fn + S
Mouse/Joy emulation toggle : Fn + SPACE

Mouse1 / Joystick2 keymapping:
Toggle     : Fn + SPACE   (off/joy/mouse)
Directions : Arrow Keys
Button 1   : SHIFT
Button 2   : SPACE

To calibrate real joystick do a full circle around.


UAE4All Maemo Edition







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