Releases: emfjson/emfjson-jackson
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 1.0.1
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 1.0.0
See fixed issues /~
- Support for containment proxies
- Does not resolve references having resolveProxies attribute
- Fix issue when reading null values
This is the first release since emfjson as moved to a github organization.
See this issue for more information:
[#73] Moving emfjson repository to the emfjson organization
This release includes the following bug fixes:
- When a map is used JSON serialization is wrong [#74]
- Id field was not parsed when placed before the type field. [9809683]
Other changes:
- Tests now use an Xcore model and Xtext maven plugin for code generation.
#72 Allow deserailization into value
#70 Generic attribute types are not resolved according to actual eClass
#69 Add option to not serialize attributes default values.
#68 Opposite references of containments should not be serialized.
Fixed bugs
#67 Use emf convertToString methods for de/serializing attributes of types EJavaObject and EJavaClass
This release fixes breaking bugs introduced by the previous release 0.11.0.
Bugs fixed
#59 Unsettable features are not serialized
#60 Usage of ConcurrentHashMap in emfjson-core module breaks gwt compilation.
#65 EnumeratorSerializer does not serialize dynamic enums correctly
#66 Allow custom dates format
The goal of this release is to provide a better integration with the Jackson library.